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(Kyle’s POV)

I was on my phone texting Tolkien about basketball practice tomorrow, when I received a voicemail from Stan. It made me excited, for some reason. I immediately clicked on it, but my mood deteriorated after hearing the first few sentences.

Stan’s dad hit him? So hard that it left a mark?…
No wonder he seemed so upset when I pointed out his cheek being red…god, I feel like such an asshole now. I listened to the rest of the voicemail, but it was just a bunch of drunken babble, as usual. I told Tolkien I had to go, and that id talk to him tomorrow at school.

When I woke up the next morning; I got ready extra fast, hoping to get tot he bus stop in time before cartman and Kenny get there. I didn’t share many classes with Stan, since I was in all AP, but he usually got to the bus earlier.

By the time I got there, though, Cartman was there.

“Hey fag! Why’s your cheek all red? You got a faggy crush, or something?” He teased.

“Fuck off, fatass.” I snapped, once I realized Stan wasn’t going to respond.

“Aww…look at you two, in love! Do you want Stan to suck your Jew-dick?”

Before I could respond, the bus arrived. I sat down next to Stan, but frowned as he gave me a glare. He just put in his air pods, not saying a word.

(Time skip)

I didn’t see Stan till lunch time. He was sitting with the girls again, so I sat across from him, next to Heidi.

He seemed out of it. He didn’t even acknowledge me. Not even the usual glare. I finally spoke up when I noticed he didn’t have a lunch.

“Why aren’t you eating?” I asked.

“Not hungry.” He said. Hell, who would be after they drank and their dad hit them?

“Well you’ve gotta eat something…” I said.

“Dude, lay off!” He snapped, and I did. I gave him a concerned look, though.

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