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-Kyle POV-

A couple hours after I arrived home, I received a text from Stan. I decided to open his previous text, and my eyes widened. Oh shit…his mom left. I forgot all about that.

I remember nearly a year ago, his parents arguments began getting really bad. When they began discussing divorce, Stan asked if he could stay at my house for a few days, since Shelly was at a friend’s house. I completely blew him off, just so that I can get ahead on school assignments, and practice extra basketball. I knew my house was the only one he was comfortable living at temporarily, and I still chose to be selfish.

No wonder he’s pissed off at me. Now he’s got a single parent…”oh my god…what if they have to move to a smaller house?! Then me and Stan won’t live a few houses down, anymore…does his dad even work? Why doesn’t he live with his mom?” Thoughts raced through my mind.

I thought back to how shitty I’ve been treating people, over the years. I completely ditched Stan for Tolkien, and I know he can tell. He’s not the smartest, but he’s not a complete moron.

I don’t even talk to Kenny much, these days. He’s always with Butters, anyways. And Cartman…everyone hates him.

I don’t even talk to Heidi or Nichole much, cause they’re always with Bebe, Red, and Wendy. Bebe still hates me, and I don’t blame her. I was a bitch during our relationship. I only took her on one or two dates, and I forgot to get her a gift for Valentine’s Day. She got sick of the “I have homework,” and “coach said I need to stay extra for basketball practice” excuses, and dumped me.

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