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-Clyde POV-

I've always been insecure about my weight. When I was younger it wasn't really a problem but now everyone is so judgemental. It's a living hell. People often joke about my weight.

I always tried to avoid them but it was getting harder. Even Bebe says it. The other day we were hanging out for once. The first she said when she saw me was.

"Hey clyde you've gained some weight since last time"

Since then i decided to reduce my eating again. I'd just just pretend I forgot my lunch and go to sleep after school so I wouldn't have to eat dinner.

I also stopped hang out with my friends. We didn't fought or argued. I just figured it was better I didn't. The other day we'll all went over to Craig's. Everything was fine until the others wanted snacks.

I had to eat a bit to not seem off. But of course one biscuits became two then three and finally the whole packet. I felt so horrible when I realized what I did. The others just laughed. They weren't being mean I didn't liked it

So I came to the conclusion that it was better not to hang out with them. This went by for some weeks. I had lost some weight but it wasn't enough to me.

Today i had football training. I hesitate if I should eat or not. I decided not to. In the lockers room I stayed away from the others to change.

As I walked to the field stan ran into me. We decided to walk together and I eventually spoke up.

"You look like shit."

Stan looked way thiner that before I wonder why. He eventually looked at me and answered

"So do you"

I just shrugged.

During the practice I started feeling sick. My legs felt numb and my head was spinning. I was struggling to walk and my body felt like all my energy got sucked out of me.

I was about to walk to the coach but I saw stan was already talking to him. He didn't seemed to feel well either. I just sat down and took deep breaths.

I felt like I was about to pass out I don't like it.

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