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-Stan POV-

The others arrived quickly after me. Clyde seemed really excited. After we got our tickets we decided to go buy some snacks. I saw clyde looking somewhere and his expression changed a bit. I just shrugged it off and chatted with the girls. When I turned around to ask clyde something he was waving at someone. My smile dropped when I saw kyle.

What was he even doing here? He already pissed me off while I was working. Is he planning on annoying me all day? I immediately went to the bathroom. I agreed to come here to get my mind off things. Why did he had to come here! And with heidi and tolkien.

Why them out of all people. Two people he liked before.. ugh am I jealous? This is dumb. Why should it matter anyway. I decided to avoid him for a reason. I want this feeling to go away.

I sighed and got out of the bathroom. The film was about to start. I sat down. But of course kyle ended up being next to me. I didn't got the time to get popcorn tho. That sucks- the film is going to be long.

After some minute kyle spoke up.

"You want some popcorn? We can share mine"

I looked up at him. He was smiling at me. Fuck he had a beautiful smile.. I felt my face get hot. Shit! I turned my head. Even tho we were in the dark I can't let him see I'm blushing.

"Umm..no thanks..no offense but it's kinda gross"

I didn't actually found it gross. We used to always share food. I just had to make up an excuse for denying. I never day no to food.

When the film finished we all got out. Clyde was glaring at Nicole who was talking to tolkien. Heh I think I know who's  Clyde crush now. I giggle at the sight before saying bye to everyone.

I was feeling exhausted. As I walked home I checked my messages. I eventually remembered about the message he sent to kyle. I could feel a wave of sadness rush over me. I live alone with my dad now. My mom left. I won't see her again.

I hurried to get home. My dad was probably at the bar again so the house was pretty much empty. A closed the door and went to the kitchen. I opened my dad alcohol hiding spot and picked a random thing. I didn't care what it was.

Everything was too much for me to handling right now. I couldn't think of anything else. I made my was upstairs and went un my room. I locked the door and sta on my bed. I was crying. I opened the bottle and started drinking over and over again.

It didn't took long before I was completely wasted. My room looked all funny now. I could still feel the tears running down my cheeks but I didn't cared anymore. I looked at my phone and opened it.

The first thing I saw was kyle contact. I could feel anger rising in me so I started typing.

"Ktle yiur a fuckingg bastard! You kneerw aboyt my mohm and jyst pissrd me off all dty I hate you!"

(Kyle you're a fucking bastard! You knew abiut my mom and just pissed me off all day I hate you!)

Then I started feeling dizzy. A laid down and everything became black.

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