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Stan POV

Today is hell. My parents divorced a while ago. We still all live together until my mom had enough money to move out of town. And that's what happened. She said goodbye to me this morning and left. Somehow my dad managed to get full custody of me. At least until I turn 18.

As soon it'll happen I'll move out of this damn house. She woke me uo for work this morning. She planned on leaving early anyway. I just feel like shit. I knew she'll leave one day but I didn't think it'll be so soon.

I sigh as I got ready. I wasn't feeling like working today but I just started I had to go. When I got there red looked at me

"Whats up with the dad face? Too early for you huh?"

"No my mom left this morning.."

Red eyes widened her gaze softened

"Oh..I'm sorry for you stan- don't think too much about it- it'll be okay"

"Heh..thanks red"

Before the opening I took out my phone and texted kyle. I know I haven't talked to him in a while but I promised him I'd tell him. I quickly sent him a small text saying

"My mother left

I was surprised to see he read it. He didn't answered tho. I guess he was too busy. Why does he even wake up so early-?
Maybe the sound of the notification woke him up. He's not much of a deep sleeper anyway.

I sigh and get to work. There wasn't much people right now since we just opened. Red decided to cheer me up. We ended up chasing eachother in the Starbucks. That's when we heard someone walk in. We both stopped to look at who it was.

Kyle. I glared at him and waited for him to speak. He was already at the register I couldn't just walk away.

"I'll have an Iced Matcha tea latte"

I wrote it down and looked up again at him not bothering to ask him if he wanted anything else. He just had to say it. He pulled out his wallet and handed me the money.

"You can keep the change"

I forced a smile at him because I would rather die than say thank you. Now that I think about it I'm acting a bit like craig. Except craig wouldn't have smiled at all.

I made his order and gave it to him. I thought I was done with him but he asked me

"Can I have more ice"

I was getting frustrated. I glared at him again and add some ice to his drink. And still he wasn't satisfied. After asking me more ice for the third time I grabbed a handful of ice a threw it at him. Then I stormed off to the employees room.

I was pissed. Did he really read my text? Was it doing it on purpose. Once I calmed down I went back to work. Kyle was doing his homeworks again. He never stop does he? At least this time I finished earlier than yesterday. Bebe Wendy clyde and I decided to hang out after my shift.

At around 4 pm.i was done for the day. I got hole showered and got ready. Me and the others planned on going to the cinema.
I was there before everyone. I just had to wait for them now.

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