Chapter 5

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Hot shot woke up the next day. He saw his father come in. "Hello Hot shot, I am here to take my shift with you," Heatwave said.

"Hey daddy," Hot shot said.

"I brought some things from friends and family," Heatwave said. "I even got something for you too," he said.

"Thanks daddy," Hot shot said.

"I better getting going," Quickshadow said. "I have things to do myself," she said. "I will soon be back for my shift, we will keep switching in and out," she said.

"I gotcha, on that," Heatwave said. "So try not to worry to much about Hot shot here," he told her. "I am going to keep a close eye on him today," he assured her.

"I know," Quickshadow said. Then Quickshadow kissed the top of Hot shot's head. Then she kissed her husband and left. Hot shot was sad to see his mother leave.

Hot shot was happy his father was here though. "So son how are you feeling today?" Heatwave asked.

"Okay," Hot shot answer him.

"Well, okay is better than not okay," Heatwave said.

"I do feel kind of angry too," Hot shot said. "I am angry because this brain tumor happened and is making me feel bad," he said. "So much has changed because of it and I have to do a lot to get better," he said. "I feel like it just isn't fair, why did this have to happen to me why?" he said.

"I can understand how you feel son," Heatwave said. "It is okay to feel angry," he said.

Hot shot was looking at his tablet at the videos his mother had on the tablet about cancer for children. "Daddy what does this one say?" Hot shot asked.

"It says feeling angry," Heatwave said. "Your mother told me about these videos I think this one is about how you might be feeling angry and what to do," he said.

So Hot shot watched the video. He learned it is okay to feel angry. He learned not to bottle it up, to let it out. He could talk to someone about it, yell into a pillow, or play a game. Hot shot was okay with that.

Dr. Zhao came in a bit later to check on Hot shot before his radiation treatment. "How are you doing today?" Dr. Zhao asked.

"Okay I guess," Hot shot said. "I am wondering, why did I got a brain tumor that is brain cancer in the first place?" he asked.

"That is a good question Hot shot, but there is no answer really I am afraid," Dr. Zhao said. "Doctors don't know why some kids get brain tumors and others don't it just happens," she said. "Adults get brain tumors too," she said. "Even animals get brain tumors," she added.

"They do?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes they do," Dr. Zhao said. "Just remember a brain tumor can happen to anyone," she said. "There are thousands of kids in the United states with brain tumors so you are not alone," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"You have some tests today along with your radiation treatment and chemotherapy," Dr. Zhao told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot had to get a scan and lumbar puncture. Hot shot didn't like the lumbar puncture too much because of the needle going into his back. It hurt when it happened. It was not fun at all.

Hot shot was soon in the radiology department and there were many children there today. Hot shot saw his friends were there for another round of radiation therapy. Hot shot was happy to see them there. Hot shot began to play with them.

"I think radiation therapy is cool, it is trying to get rid of my brain tumor," Hot shot said.

"That is what it is for," Heatwave said. "Radiation is used not only to treat brain tumors, but to treat other types of cancer too," he told him.

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