Chapter 8

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Hot shot was once again back in Cook Children's hospital. He was going to have to stay for a while. Hot shot wasn't too happy about this. He was upset because he was going to miss the start of fourth grade. He was still going to be able to do classes while in the hospital. That was a good thing. But he was wondering how long he was going to have stay this time. He knew it was going to be a long while before he was going to be out.

He was getting treatments while in the hospital for his brain cancer. Hot shot was watching some videos on his tablet. Hot shot had tests, check ups, scans and treatments to do some days. But other days he didn't have much to do. It was pretty boring.

Today Hot shot was going to get another surgery to try to remove the remainder of the brain tumor. He was ready for it too. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino and ready to go in. He soon was taken to the OR. Hot shot saw the anesthesiologist there again. "Hello Hot shot how would you like your medicine air to smell this time, we got grape, apple, bubblegum, cupcake, cotton candy, and vanilla," the anesthesiologist said.

"Vanilla," Hot shot said.

"Okay then," the anesthesiologist said. Then placed the mask on Hot shot's face after hooking it up to the hose. Hot shot began to breathe in the medicine and soon he was asleep. Dr. Hansen went right to work at removing more of the tumor. "There we go we got the remainder of the tumor out, and I saw nothing else the needs to be removed on the scans so I say things are looking good," Dr. Hansen said.  "Now let's close him up," he said. Hot shot's head was closed up and his head was bandaged. Once again Dr. Hansen bandaged Zoe the Zebra's head. He was thinking it was cute to bandage a child's stuffed animal's head after he does brain surgery on the child.

Hot shot was now in the ICU. Hot shot woke up there and saw his parents. "Hot shot you did great during surgery," Quickshadow said.

"They got the rest of the tumor out," Heatwave said.

Dr. Hansen and Dr. Zhao came into the room. They were checking on Hot shot. "I removed the rest of the tumor out," Dr. Hansen said.

"My head hurts," Hot shot said.

"Your head will hurt for a while after surgery," Dr. Zhao said. "It's normal so try not to worry to much," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

After a few days Hot shot began therapy. He didn't have any troubles like from his last surgery. But his right leg was still turned slightly outward and gave him a slightly different gait. It had been that way since the first surgery to try to remove the tumor. Dr. Acord said that it was a lasting affect from the surgery. "It looks like this is something Hot shot will be stuck with for the rest of his life," Dr. Acord said. "But I can see he is able to keep up with you and other children just fine despite the slightly different gait." she said. "I also seen him run quickly too, even though with a bit of a different gait," she said. "he is doing just fine despite that," she said. "He will be okay," she said. "Some kids like Hot shot adapt to these changes quickly and live normally," she said. "He's a great kid," she told them.

Hot shot was soon moved back to his room in the oncology ward. Hot shot was happy to be back there in his bed. Hot shot soon saw his friends they were going to have to stay a while too. He was happy to see them to say the least.

Hot shot was thinking about many things. Hot shot was drawing many pictures and doing other stuff while in the hospital. Hot shot was very curious and began to think about things he likes. Such as dogs, Hot shot loves dogs and hopes to get a dog of his own.

"Daddy I hope to have a dog some day," Hot shot said.

"Dogs are nice son," Heatwave said. "You know they are called man's best friend," he said. "They are wonderful animals," he said.

"I hope to get on some day," Hot shot said.

"Maybe some day you will have one," Heatwave said.

"Oh boy," Hot shot said. Hot shot got a plush dog it was a beagle from his father from the gift shop that day while they were walking around during chemo.

"I think a plush dog might be a good start," Heatwave said.

"Thank you daddy," Hot shot said.

"No problem son," Heatwave said.

Hot shot found a video about dogs on eyewitness. So he watched it with his father. "Dogs sure are amazing," Hot shot said.

"Yes they are amazing animals son," Heatwave said.

Then Hot shot was approached by Penny a few weeks later. Hot shot was still in the hospital. "Hello Hot shot I got some news, you qualify for a wish from make a wish," Penny said.

"Hot shot you can wish for one thing, you can wish to go some place you always wanted to go, meet someone you always wanted to meet, be something you always wanted to be, to have something you want to have, or to give," the lady named Rita said.

Hot shot was thinking about it. Hot shot's room was now filled with plush dogs of many different breeds. Hot shot looked at the dogs and knew what he wanted.

"I want a puppy," Hot shot said.

"A puppy?" Rita asked.

"Hot shot has been wanting a puppy since before he got sick," Heatwave said. "We have been thinking of getting a puppy sometime soon," he said. "We think Hot shot might fair better with treatment and dealing with treatment with a puppy," he said. "Besides it might help lift his spirits a little more," he said.

"Yes I think it would be good for our boy to have a puppy," Quickshadow said. "it will help bring him some joy and love him back as he loves it," she said.

"Many kids do wish for puppies," Rita said.

"I have no problem with it," Dr. Zhao said. "I have a dog myself, and they are such a comfort," she said. "I think a dog will be great for Hot shot's well being and help him recover," she said.

"Oh boy my own puppy!" Hot shot said.

"Well we have to decide on what kind of puppy son," Heatwave said. "There are a lot of different dog breeds and we have to look at all of them to see which ones you like best, and then choose one that suites you the best after selecting a breed," he told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "This sounds like a lot of fun," he said.

"It is going to be fun," Quickshadow said.

"Here is a number to call once you decide on a breed and you can tell us the breed you chose and don't forget to give Hot shot's name and what is wrong with him along with it," Rita said. "It is my number and I will help make it happen," she said.

"Oh boy!" Hot shot said.

Hot shot soon found out his friends were getting wishes too. His friends all wanted puppies like Hot shot. They were all wishing for the same thing. This was big and maybe they call all get together and play together with their puppies. It sounded like a lot of fun! But first that had to beat their brain tumors and show them who is boss.

Cook Children's Brave Hero and Best Friends Vs Brain TumorWhere stories live. Discover now