Chapter 6

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Hot shot woke up in the hospital. He had been getting treatment for a cancerous brain tumor there. Hot shot was going to go home from a while. That made Hot shot very happy. Hot shot was looking forward to going home. He was hoping to be happy at home at last.

Hot shot was packing a few things he got at the hospital into a bag. His parents were helping him. Hot shot was really looking forward to being home again. He missed his room and everything. He was looking forward to being back.

"Okay let's make sure we got everything," Quickshadow said. "Okay we got the toys," she said. "We got the books, the names of the medicines you are on, the cards you got," she said. "We got your tablet with the charger, and your clothes and shoes," she said going through the bags.

"I got Zoe right here," Hot shot said.

"Okay Hot shot you will still need to come back for more radiation and chemotherapy treatments, more scans, more tests, and more surgeries to help you get better," Dr. Zhao said. "You will even need several check ups still, and more stays in the hospital," she said. "Some are planned stays, some are because you maybe in a lot of pain, some maybe because you have a fever, and some because we want to give a lot of treatment and want you close so we can keep an eye on you," she told him. "So you will be seeing a lot more of Cook Children's hospital," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was looking forward to going back home. Hot shot was in the car in his booster seat. The car started to leave the hospital. Hot shot waved good bye to the dragon out front. Hot shot knew he was going to be back soon.

Hot shot had just finished radiation and chemotherapy that day so he was a bit tired. He was able to rest and relax while in the car.

They made it back to the house. Then the car was parked and they got out. Hot shot went through the door. There was a big banner that said welcome Hot shot. Hot shot was happy to see the banner. He was happy to be home at last.

It had been a very long time since he has been home.

Hot shot took his things to his room and unpacked his bags. But his father packed one of them with a few things. He called it a go bag, just in case they needed to take him to Cook Children's hospital for a stay.

Hot shot was happy to be home. Hot shot was able to rest there and relax. They watched one of Hot shot's favorite movies and had pizza for dinner. Hot shot was very happy to be home. "I am happy to be home," Hot shot said.

"We are happy to have you home too son," Heatwave said.

"We sure are," Quickshadow said.

"I am worried about cancer at times still and what may happen," Hot shot said.

"No matter what happens we are in this together," Heatwave told him.

"This is a time where we have to stick together the most," Quickshadow said. "Because that is what families do," she said.

"I love you mummy and daddy," Hot shot said.

"We love you too Hot shot," Heatwave told him.

"We sure do," Quickshadow said.

The next morning Hot shot was taken back to the hospital for radiation therapy. Hot shot only had radiation this week, because he had a week rest break from chemotherapy this week. He was going to get more chemotherapy next week.

Hot shot saw his friends there at the hospital. Hot shot was in on his second week of radiation. It was a Monday and the start of a new week for him.

Hot shot brought Zoe along so he could hold her during radiation treatments. Hot shot was very happy to be there, because he was able to see his friends. Hot shot loved to see his friends. Hot shot liked to see what kids were there in the radiotherapy center in the hospital.

He found out some kids were there for scans today. While others like him were there for radiation therapy. Some kids were there for a special kind of radiation therapy for a cancer that was different from his.

Hot shot met a new kid who was there for her simulation scan. Her name was Tina and she was scared. "Don't be scared, it doesn't hurt a bit," Hot shot said. "You will make a special mask, cast, or cushion to use during radiation therapy," he said. "I was scared at first too, but then I realized there was nothing to be afraid of," he told her. "Because it is to help me get better, I just started treatment last week," he said.

"Oh okay," Tina said.

Hot shot's turn soon came and Hot shot was getting ready for it. Hot shot chose music to listen too and then changed into a gown. Hot shot laid down on the table and the mask was put on. Then the bed was moved into position. Once the bed was in position the radiotherapist moved the machine into the right position so it lined up with the marks on Hot shot's mask.

Hot shot stayed very still for his radiation treatment. As usual it only took 15 minutes. Hot shot was all done for the day.

Hot shot was very tired after the radiation treatment. Hot shot was ready to rest at home. Hot shot saw down and watched TV quietly on the couch.

Each day Hot shot had to go back and get more radiation treatments. Hot shot was getting good at keeping nice and still for it. Hot shot loved to see his friends there and talk to Penny the child life specialist.

Hot shot was hoping that things were going to continue to go well. Hot shot felt tired and a bit sick to his stomach during radiation therapy. Hot shot knew it was normal but it still wasn't that enjoyable.

On the coming Monday Hot shot was going to get more radiation therapy and get back to chemotherapy for the week. It was going to be very busy for him. Hot shot was ready to keep fighting his brain tumor.

Hot shot woke up on Monday morning and was taken to the hospital after getting ready. Hot shot was taking Roxy the rhino with him along with his tablet. Hot shot was going to go the infusion center for the first time. Hot shot was excited to see it too.

Hot shot got his radiation treatment first which took 15 minutes. Then Hot shot was taken to the infusion center in the Dodson specialty clinics. Hot shot got blood draw and things were going to take a while.

Things checked out good. Then Hot shot had to take the medicine he had to take before chemotherapy. After a couple of hours the chemotherapy was hooked up to Hot shot by a nurse. Hot shot saw his friends there at the infusion center getting chemotherapy too. Hot shot saw other kids there getting chemotherapy, or blood transfusions or another type of medicine through IV.

There were a lot of things to do at the infusion center. There were TVs, books, drawing, arts and crafts, charging stations for tablets and computers and an area to eat snacks. Hot shot was amazed by how amazing this place was.

Many of the kids had different medical conditions and some had cancer like Hot shot. This place was full of kids. After a couple of hours Hot shot's chemotherapy was done for the day.

Hot shot knew this was going to be a long road a head for him. But he was ready for it too. He was going to beat his cancer hard. 

Cook Children's Brave Hero and Best Friends Vs Brain TumorWhere stories live. Discover now