Chapter 7

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Hot shot had been getting treatment for a brain tumor for a few weeks. Hot shot was feeling the side effects of his treatment. He was tired a lot of the time, he got tummy aches and his hair was starting to fall out. His hair was falling out in clumps. Hot shot's hair only started to fall out last night. Then this morning when he woke up he was completely bald.

He even lost his eye brows and eye lashes. Hot shot saw his blonde hair all over the place. Fireplug still recognized him even without his hair. Hot shot was surprised how fast his hair had fallen out.

"I can hardly believe my hair fell out that fast," Hot shot said.

"Well Hot shot that is how it happens sometimes," Quickshadow said. "When and how quickly it happens is different for everyone," she told him. "you just happened to lose all of your hair really fast," she explained. "Just try not to worry about it," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot put on one of the hats his mother knitted for him. It was nice and soft. It felt good against his skin. "It is very soft mummy," he said.

"It is supposed to be very soft," Quickshadow said. "The scalp tends to be very sensitive during chemotherapy and radiation," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"Come on Hot shot we need to get going you have, radiation and chemotherapy today," Quickshadow said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot went back to the hospital to get radiation and chemotherapy. Hot shot was wearing his hat there. Hot shot was a bit nervous to show up with his hat. But he knew many of the kids with cancer there have already lost their hair, or were starting to lose their hair, or even their hair was starting to grow back. Hot shot was wondering if his friends had started to lose their hair or lost all their hair.

Hot shot came in for his radiation treatment. Hot shot was ready to go. He was at the center right on time. He saw the other kids at the center.

"Hey Hot shot," the one nurses said. "here for a radiation treatment?" he asked.

"Yes," Hot shot said. "I sure am," he said.

"I see you are wearing a hat, is your hair starting to fall out?" the nurse asked.

"No it starting falling out last night and the rest fell out this morning before I left," Hot shot said. "It fell out in clumps," he told him.

"I see, well at least you have a nice hat," the nurse said. "That is fine looking hat you are wearing, yellow is your color," he told him.

"Thank you," Hot shot said.

"Well Hot shot I hope you are ready," the nurse said.

"I am ready for it," Hot shot said. "I am also ready for chemotherapy after this, too," he told him.

"That is very good," the nurse said.

Hot shot was playing with the other kids while waiting for his turn. Hot shot was a having a lot of fun. Soon it was his turn. Hot shot went back and took off his hat. Then he got ready and laid down on the table. Hot shot had his special pikachu mask put on. Then the radiation treatment started. Hot shot listened to the music as it was playing. It was nice and relaxing. Hot shot loved it very much.

"Okay Hot shot you are all done for today," the radiotherapist said to him after 15 minutes.

"Okay that is all done," Hot shot said getting back into his clothes and putting his hat back on. Hot shot then headed to the infusion center with his mother. Hot shot had blood taken and a check up.

Hot shot was told today before his chemotherapy he needed something called a blood transfusion, and then he could have his chemotherapy. Hot shot watched the video about blood transfusions he found it very interesting and cool. Hot shot liked it a lot and found it interesting about the types of blood cells.

Hot shot's blood transfusion was hooked up to his Hickman line. It took an hour for it to finish. Then a bit later he took the medicine he needed to take to get ready for his chemotherapy. Hot shot also had other medicines he had to take from home. It was no fun taking all of that medicine.

Hot shot was soon hooked up to his chemotherapy a couple of hours later. Hot shot was able to have a snack while getting his chemotherapy. Hot shot played with the other kids in the infusion center. They were all very busy and playing. Soon the chemotherapy session ended and it was time to head home.

Hot shot waved good by too his friends and left.

Before Hot shot knew it six weeks had gone by. It was now the middle of June. Hot shot was getting his last radiotherapy treatment. Hot shot was ready for it too. Hot shot was going to stay very still for it. Hot shot stayed as still as possible. Hot shot waited while the radiotherapy machine did it's job. "Okay Hot shot all done," the therapist said.

"All done," Hot shot said.

"You did well," Dr. Zhao said. "But you still have months of chemotherapy and surgery ahead of you," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"You have a long road a head of you," Dr. Zhao said.

"I know and I am in it to win," Hot shot said.

"Very good," Dr. Zhao said. "I am glad," she said.

Hot shot was able to enjoy a nice relaxing weekend at home. Then a couple of weeks later in July, Dr. Zhao called and said she needed Hot shot to stay in the hospital for a while. Hot shot grabbed Roxy the rhino while his father grabbed his go bag.

"How long am I going to stay in the hospital this time?" Hot shot asked.

"I am not sure Hot shot," Heatwave said. "According to her it is going to be a long time," he said. "She said it might be a few months at least, she is thinking of putting you on a new type of chemotherapy regimen and to see if it works along with seeing if some other medicines might work for you," he said. "Along with a few surgeries," he said. "Also you hadn't been doing well for a while," he told him. "You have been weak, tired, and very sick, so it is also to keep a close eye on you," he said. "You also been having bad headaches and she also wants to see if the tumor and the areas where it might have spread had either regrown or gotten bigger and you might need more aggressive treatment," he said. "So it might be for a long time," he said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. "I am not going to like being away from home for that long," he said.

"True, but it is what is need," Heatwave said. "Just remember is it very important," he said.

"Okay daddy," Hot shot said.

"You might miss some of school while in the hospital, but there are special teacher to help you," Quickshadow said. "But just remember sometimes you may need to stay for a long time but it will be just fine," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "I am ready for it," he said.

"Very good," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot was soon back at Cook Children's hospital in the oncology ward. He was ready to continue with his cancer treatment and get better. He was wondering how long his stay was going to be this time. 

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