Chapter 9

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Hot shot has been getting treatment for a brain tumor, for the past year. Hot shot was doing okay with his treatment. But he was going need it for a while. Hot shot was receiving chemotherapy at the moment. Hot shot normally did okay during chemo, but at the moment he felt too sick to his stomach to eat. He lost a good deal of weight. Hot shot met with Dr. Waller.

"Hot shot is going to need an intervention," Dr. Waller said. "But don't worry almost every kid needs one," she said. "All Hot shot is going to need is a nasogastric tube," she said.

"What is that?" Hot shot asked.

"A nasogastric tube is a special tube that goes up you nose into your stomach," Dr. Waller told him. "This tube will help you get more nutrition, right now you are low on weight due to your appetite being affected at the moment, because of adding a new chemo medication to your treatment," she said. "All a nurse is going to do is lube up the tube with special gel after measuring on you how long it has to be," she told him. "Then while you are drinking water the tube is put down your nose," she told him. "It won't hurt just feel a bit weird," she explained. "Then after it is put in we make sure it is in the right place." She told him. "Then you can get special feeding and eat normally so you can get the extra nutrients you need," she said. "You soon won't even notice that it is there," she told him.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot then had his NG tube put in place. It wasn't too enjoyable having it put in. But he got over it really quickly. Hot shot soon had it in place. It was in the right place too. Now Hot shot was able to relax a bit with it in.

Hot shot had to deal with having the NG tube in. He was getting a feeding from it at the moment. Hot shot had a special sticker to help keep it in place while it was in. It even when behind his ear to make it easier to wear.

Hot shot was able to get some of his oral medications through the NG tube. Hot shot found that pretty cool. Hot shot was even getting chemotherapy at the moment. Hot shot was soon not noticing the NG tube.

Hot shot had gotten used to it very quickly. Hot shot had a lot of time in the hospital. Hot shot was soon going to get another surgery to remove one of the small tumors in his head. Hot shot was ready for it too.

Hot shot was taken to the OR. Hot shot was ready for it too. This time Hot shot chose bubblegum for his special sleep medicine. Soon Hot shot fell asleep. Dr. Hansen managed to remove one of the smaller tumors completely. Now Hot shot was going to possibly need one more surgery to get rid of the remaining tumor.

Hot shot woke up in the ICU again. Hot shot was happy to see his parents there to see him. Hot shot was getting better and stronger. Hot shot didn't have any affects from this surgery. Hot shot was doing well.

Hot shot was happy too. He still had a lot more treatment to get, but he was doing well. He was very happy too. He was getting stronger everyday. He was looking forward to hopefully going home once again.

Hot shot was able to go home for a few weeks. Hot shot was happy to be back home. But soon a couple of months later Hot shot had to go back for hopefully his last surgery. Hot shot was taken into to surgery. Hot shot chose cupcake this time for his medicine. Hot shot was ready for it too. Hot shot soon went to sleep and the doctors removed the remaining tumor. The scans showed no more tumors in the head or any tumor regrowth from the previous surgeries. It was looking good.

Hot shot was taken back to the ICU once again. Hot shot was feeling okay from this surgery. He a had three scars on his head now from the surgeries. Hot shot knew he was going to live with those scars for the rest of his life. But he was okay with that.

Hot shot continued with his treatment for cancer. Hot shot was doing very well. Hot shot went back to Dr. Zhao's office in January to find out how he was doing.

"Good news Hot shot's scans have come back clean along with the other tests for the past four months," Dr. Zhao said. "Hot shot is in remission, he beat cancer," she said.

"I did it," Hot shot said.

"You sure did son," Heatwave said. "You should be proud," he said.

Hot shot was so happy about this. He still had to get treatment for a few more weeks. Then in March Hot shot rang the end of treatment bell. Hot shot was very happy to ring the bell. He was over joyed to ring it. It signaled the end of his treatment. Hot shot felt really good about it too.

Then in June Hot shot got his wish. He got a Newfoundland puppy he named Roxy. Hot shot loved her very much. She was very fluffy and friendly. Both her and Hot shot were bonding very quickly. Hot shot loved to play with Roxy, he loved to brush her, teach her tricks, take her for walks, and it was wonderful. The two of them were very close.

Hot shot continued to grow and grow. He was becoming a fine young man. He hadn't had a reoccurrence of cancer at all. He was very happy and proud of this. He was very happy and strong.

Hot shot and his friends remained healthy after beating their cancer. They all enjoyed riding their horses together and hoped to continue having a normal and healthy life.

Hot shot was soon grown up with a family of his own. Hot shot continues to support Cook Children's hospital to this day. He is proud to be a brain tumor survivor and he even shared his story on the pediatric brain tumor foundation. It was to help inspire others and remain strong.

Hot shot will never forget his brain tumor journey.

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