✩ chapter one ✩

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Sharky had gone his whole life surrounded by constant noise. A sibling screaming in his ear. Cars honking. Music blasting. Lashing rain. The sound of battered trainers sprinting down school hallways. Cars speeding down motorways. Waves crashing. People laughing. Cameras clicking.

But staring at the ceiling, his bedsheets sprawled out around him, the world was quiet. And Sharky?

Sharky hated it.

The silence made his skin crawl. He had only moved out of the Beta Squad house recently and the lack of noise was getting to him. It wasn't the actual noise that he cared about, but the people. He missed the comfort of always having somebody around, knowing that somebody would be there, that he'd never be alone.

He had always preferred to be in the company of somebody else rather than by himself. He hated being alone with his thoughts, and having to entertain himself. Even knowing that he would still see his friends practically everyday, it still stung a little bit, but he knew he would be fine eventually.

Sharky turned over, stretching to grab his phone. He was met with a harsh light blinking back at him


He winced at the light blaring at him from the screen, shutting it off and drawing up the duvet over his head like a little kid. His second pillow was discarded on the floor somewhere, but he didn't care.

Sharky groaned, tossing about trying to get comfortable. Everything was too hot, and he couldn't get his thoughts to stop.

He laid there, staring blankly into the darkness with his mind spinning, until hours later, he finally felt his eyes begin to close as the rays of sun started to peek through his curtains.



"YOU LITTLE RAT AJE! THAT NECK SLAP WAS BARE SORE!" Sharky watched from the sofa as Aj bolted around Chunkz's living room, being chased by Niko, who was holding a pillow up threateningly. Aj was cackling away, sprinting from Niko with ease. "OH YEAH? YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME." Aj leapt over a sofa and breathed out "giraffe bitch" inbetween laughs. Sharky heard Chunkz wheezing beside him and he felt his mouth curve into a small smile, tucking his knees up to his chest. He had so much love for his friends.

The group had decided that they wanted to hold the movie night at Chunkz's place. They chose to watch Scream, as the genre they were doing tonight was horror. Sharky had always hated horror movies, but he didn't really care, all he ever wanted was to make everybody else happy.

After enduring 10 long minutes of watching the full blown war in front of them, Niko and Aj had finally calmed down, although if it weren't for their lack of stamina, Sharky was convinced they would still be going.

The boys were scattered around the room, with Chunkz sat on a beanbag in the corner, and Aj and Niko sat on the floor, their limbs tangled together almost comically as they held on to each other. So much for Aj hating physical touch, Sharky thought to himself, smiling at the irony.

A few minutes passed before the door to the living room swung open, and just for a moment, Sharky swore the room got brighter, because the man in the doorway? He may as well have been the whole sun.


Their eyes met briefly and Kenny flashed him a grin, and Sharky could feel a smile forming on to his face.

𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 ; sharkenny Where stories live. Discover now