✩ chapter fourteen ✩

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Kenny sat on his bed, conflicted. Sharky had just left, and it was like nothing had happened last night at all. Sharky didn't adress his actions last night when they woke up, or when he was leaving, it was just like everything was normal. But something had changed for Kenny.

As well as finally having some sort of sign that Sharky actually did have feelings for him, there was a new need for Sharky. Kenny couldn't stop himself from thinking about anything else. He folded his clothes, trying to distract himself from the thought of Sharky's hands all over him, the remnants of his light kisses on the side of his neck. Kenny swiped a hand over his mouth, he needed to get a grip.

But god was he down bad.

There was something there, some sort of magnet, or force, or something that seemed so ridiculously large that was drawing Kenny to Sharky. He needed more. More of his touch, and his voice and his face and Kenny just wanted all of him everywhere at once.

Because Sharky wasn't just some ordinary person, some friend. Sharky, well Sharky was otherworldly. Effortlessly beautiful with a smile that could very well break Kenny down and then stitch him back together piece by piece. Infact, Sharky's smile lit up Kenny's whole life, and he was left breathless even at the thought of it.

And when he laughed. When Sharky laughed, it was this beautiful, beautiful sound that made Kenny need to kiss Sharky so badly that ignoring his impulse is physically painful. Jesus Christ was he fucked.

Kenny snapped himself out of it, whacking himself upside the head. "Fucking idiot." He muttered.


A few days had passed since that night, and Kenny was milling around his house, bored, when he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket.


Kenny opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Chunkz speaking frantically, his voice riddled with worry.

"Ai Ken listen, I don't know what happened, he's got himself all in a funk but I need you to come to my yard like now-"

"Woah, slow down brother," Kenny stopped him, "Who are you talking about?"

He heard Chunkz breath shakily on the other end of the phone. "It's Sharky. He wont chat to anyone else if it ain't you so come as soon as you can yeah? Bye."

Kenny had more to say, but was stopped by the beeping noise of the line being hung up. "Fucking hell." He swiped a hand over his face, grabbing his keys and rushing out the door.

He arrived at Chunkz's house, swinging open the door and spotting his best friend sat on the stairs. "Where is he." He questioned, not caring about his tone. All he thought of was Sharky."He's in the other room, love yeah?" Kenny didn't even respond, he just found himself putting one foot infront of the other until he was opening the door, and there he was.

Sharky was sat in the corner, curled up into a ball. His eyes were red rimmed with tears, and his body was shaking like Kenny had never seen him before. His entire body was racked with sobs and it was like he was disassociating himself from the rest of the world. Kenny had seen panic attacks like this before, but not from Sharky, never from Sharky. He rushed over.

"Sharks?" Kenny spoke his name quietly, almost like a question. He knew better than to talk loud in these situations. Sharky was shaking his head, his breaths coming out quick and ragged. "Just me, love. Just me." Kenny reached out his hand, hesitant. "Can I touch you?" Sharky spoke up hoarsely. "I- I don't know, I'm- fucking hell- I don't- I need-"

And Kenny just shushed him softly. "What do you need baby, you're okay." Sharky finally looked up, his eyes wide and frantic. "Need you closer, please," he finally managed to choke out. Kenny nodded, and took the other man gently into his embrace.

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