✩ chapter fifteen ✩

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Kenny greeted his friends upon arriving on set. The Beta Squad were filming "Match the Girlfriend to the Ex." Kenny wasn't all that bothered, but he had to come anyway. They all sat down at the table and got their mics on before starting to film.

"Today on Beta Squad!"

The conversation started to flow and the girl they were matching walked in. Kenny thought she was attractive, sure, but there was no spark, nothing pulling him in.

He looked across at Sharky only to find the other man's eyes on him already. Kenny felt his face heat up, holding eye contact with Sharky in efforts to make the other man look away. He cocked his head to the side, smiling coyly, and Sharky looked away, flustered.

And then Kenny had a thought.

What if Kenny flirted with the girl to make Sharky jealous? He was sick of not having Sharky, and he needed to know how he would react. He smirked to himself before starting his plan.

Throughout the whole video, Kenny consistently flirted with the girl. He was picking her up, making flirty comments, hugging her, and Sharky was burning. Kenny snuck a glance at him, satisfied with the reaction. If Sharky wasn't gonna make a move, then Kenny had to do something to speed up the process.

At one point in the video, the "ex boyfriends" had to give the girl a hug. Kenny watched them all go, and then stood up to give her a hug of his own before scooping her up into his arms. He watched as Sharky rolled his eyes, slumping back into his seat and pretending not to pay attention.

He put the girl down, smiling sweetly at her before sitting back down in his seat. He decided he had done enough, happy with the reaction. Something about seeing Sharky riled up made him feel even stronger towards him.

The group wrapped up filming and Sharky was up and gone, a look of annoyance on his face as he left, phone in hand. Kenny watched as he left, his eyes trained on him. Niko walked past him, bumping his shoulder. "Alright there?" He smirked as Kenny snapped out of his trance. "Huh?"

Niko just laughed. "See you later yeah?"



Kenny sat on the couch in the corner, waiting on Chunkz to come back from the bathroom. He was the first one there, the boys were having their usual movie night. They had decided on "Insidious", which Kenny had actually never watched.

The group piled in one by one, well, except Aj and Niko, who were practically attatched at the hip. Kenny kept his eyes on Sharky, watching carefully as the other man chose to sit on the other end of the couch. He kept his eyes on him, and he could tell that Sharky could see him, but he wasn't letting Kenny in. He was in for a long night.

The movie played on and Kenny watched as Sharky flinched at the jumpscares. At one stage, everybody in the room screamed at the ghostly looking figure standing behind one of the characters. Sharky grabbed on to Kenny's arm, which was around the back of the couch, out of instinct but immediately let go, clearly still pissed off with Kenny.

Kenny smirked to himself, moving in closer to whisper in Sharky's ear as Sharky rolled his eyes yet again. "You know it's kinda sweet that you're mad."

"I'm not mad." Sharky bit back pettily.


Sharky looked over at him, the sound of Aj leaving to go to the bathroom faint in the background.

"Don't 'mhm' like you know something. Shut up and watch the movie. Idiot."

"Sorry, baby."

Sharky's breath caught in his throat. "Hm, don't call me baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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