✩ chapter four ✩

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Kenny wrenched open his door, slamming it behind him and sliding down the wall next to him, burying his face in his hands.

He didn't understand how he could have been so stupid. Of course the feeling wasn't fucking friendship. He couldn't stop the tears from falling, and he wiped them away furiously as if it would do anything.

Loving Sharky was the stupidest thing he had ever done, and even worse that he had only figured it out now. Sharky only viewed him as a friend, Kenny was sure of it.

He was a mess, sobbing into his hands and ignoring the constant buzzing coming from his phone. He sat there in the darkness, the tears still not stopping, and after a few minutes, he looked at his notifications, the buzzing getting on his nerves.

20+ missed calls from omilanaenae, chunkzhino and sharks 💓

sharks 💓
sharks 💓 : where'd u go? u seemed kinda shaken when u left and were all worried can u pick up

sharks 💓: kenny?
sharks 💓: are u okay
sharks 💓: whats wrong

sharks 💓: ken please pick up the phone
sharks 💓: if i did something i'm so sorry please just fucking answer
sharks 💓: message me back so i know ur okay i worry about u love

sharks 💓: ily

Kenny clicked out of the messages with shaky hands. He couldn't deal with that now. The time read 1:26am on his phone, and he checked his other messages, trying to take his mind off the fact that Sharky cared as much as he did. It was so sweet, and it made Kenny want to start crying all over again.

omilanaenae: Its okay Ken
omilanaenae: I'm coming over
omilanaenae: Just hang tight yeah I'm omw

Kenny knew there was no way he could get Niko to turn around, so he typed a response quickly and shut off his phone, leaning his head back on the wall and trying to breathe normally.

Kenny: mkay

He sat there for what felt like 2 seconds before he heard keys jangling at the door. Niko had his own set of keys to the house, he was the first person to get any, actually.

The door swung open, the man standing there with what looked like a knowing look on his face. Kenny could hardly even look at him before he burst back into tears and Niko rushed to his side.

He didn't say a word, just held him, and Kenny swore that Niko's arms may as well had been the only thing keeping him from falling apart.
Because this boy had been there since the start, and Kenny would never ever stop being grateful.

They sat there like that for a while, Kenny crying into Niko's chest, unable to see the tear that fell down his friends face. Niko stopped himself from getting emotional, wiping the tear away hastily.

"I know its hard," he spoke gently to him, "but that man really fucking loves you Kenny, whether you two are brothers or more."

Kenny looked up at him in shock. "You swore? You knew? Nik, I didn't even know," he said in exasperation, and Niko just smiled at him sadly.

"It's your eyes. You look at Sharky like nobody else exists. Its like the whole world stops, or something."

He tucked his knees into his chest. "Sometimes that's how it feels." He breathed out shakily and wiped a hand over his face. "Fucks sake, how long have you known?"

"Truth be told, as long as you've known him. I mean recently it's been more but I think its always been there," Niko told him truthfully.

Kenny let out a sigh. Niko knew him better than anyone, sometimes even more than he knew himself. He looked at the man in question, and unbelievably, Kenny started to laugh. Not a small laugh, one that racked his whole body, because a thought had just popped into his head.

He wheezed, and Niko looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "I," Kenny spoke in between laughs, "I just copped, you like Aj!" Niko was thankful that they were sat in the dark, because he went a deep shade of red. But then he started to laugh too. He didn't know why, but he supposed Kenny's laughter had always been contagious, crying or not.

The two were rolling on the floor, wiping tears of laughter from their eyes. "You," Niko managed to wheeze out, "are such an idiot." And Kenny didn't even care, because he just laughed even more. "I ain't ever met anyone who starts pissing themself like that after crying their eyes out, you are mental you know."

Kenny turned to face him, still laughing. "I love you so much bro, oh my god." They smiled at each other, and Niko got up from the floor, lending a hand to him. "C'mon." Kenny grabbed onto him, getting up. The two headed into the kitchen, grabbing an incomprehensible amount of sweets and drinks, disregarding the fight that Kenny had coming up.

They sat down in the living room, Niko sending a quick text to let the others know Kenny was okay, and they talked until it was bright outside. They never really ran out of things to say to each other, but Kenny supposed it had been that way for years.

"Your turn then, how long have you fancied shawheels?" Kenny questioned, throwing a piece of popcorn into his mouth. Niko looked at him. "Genuinely? I couldn't tell you, i've no clue."

Kenny laughed, "At least you knew!" They both giggled at their stupidity. "I don't blame you for fancying Sharks you know," Niko stated, "he is a beautiful man, won't lie." Kenny swatted his arm jokingly, "Yeah stay away, go lips Aj or something Sharks is all mine."

The pair erupted into a fit of giggles and turned their attention to the show that they had thrown on the TV. They sat there for a while until Kenny piped up. "Niko?" he said softly. Niko turned his head towards him, nodding. "Mhm?"

"Love you brother." Kenny told him firmly, feeling a sense of gratefulness wash over him. He watched as a small smile spread across Niko's face, reaching his eyes. "Love you too Ken."


1044 words


sorry this is kinda short but i love their friendship sm i needed to put it in this fic


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