✩ chapter seven ✩

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After the pair had resolved their arguement, everything was smooth sailing. Life went back to normal. Whatever the fuck that meant.

Ever since Sharky had gotten Kenny back, the two had been inseparable. It was even more than normal. Sharky seemed to be more attached, like he didn't want to let go of Kenny again. Every time Sharky saw him he hugged him like he hadn't seen him in years. He was ever clingy, resting on Kenny or being in physical contact with him at every possible opportunity. Kenny could barely take it, but whatever made Sharky happy.

It was like the two lived together again. They hung out every day in one place or another, and staying over a lot of the nights, where hushed conversations happened. Soft, tired words spoken to each other and little touches in the dark.

The Beta Squad had just left the set of the second video they had filmed that day, and were headed back to film a second last to fall asleep video. Almost every member had been awake since around 7am, and they were tired.

Sharky was sat in the car, pressed up next to Kenny with his head resting gently on his shoulder. Kenny's heart was going, but he help it together until they got to the house.

The group exited their cars and entered the house, the white room from the other video familiar. They had decided to feature Filly once again, and Kenny was happy to be seeing him, he always was. Filly was like family to him, but he seemed to be like that with everyone, he gave comfort to people wherever he went. Kenny loved his big energy, it always managed to put a smile on his face.

Sharky was still stuck to his side while the crew got set up around the house, and Kenny almost burst out laughing when Niko winked dramatically at him from across the room, a hand flying to his mouth.

Everybody was set up, and the boys began rolling, but the tiredness was really evident in Sharky's eyes, like he hadn't slept at all. Kenny could spot when he was fucked right away, and he looked wrecked. He asked the other man if he was okay multiple times. He just wanted to take care of him. Press little kisses to his forehead and hold him close to his chest. But he couldn't do that.

The group has participated in two challenges so far, and we're entering the third one. Both Chunkz and Filly had fallen asleep already. Kenny just hoped the video would go on for much longer, but Niko and Aj were relentless.

The challenge was to see who could chug a pint of water the fastest, and the loser had to go to the sleep chamber for an hour. Sharky knew he was a slow drinker. "Ai you lot say goodbye to me already, long day," he said tiredly as he watched the drinks come out.

To absolutely nobody's surprise, Sharky lost the challenge and was sent to the sleep chamber. He rolled his eyes and walked slowly up the stairs in defeat, the rest of the group right behind him. Aj was perched on Niko's shoulders, and the pair were belting out. "HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYEEE!!" Kenny let himself laugh at the two of them, and Sharky shoved him playfully.

"Proper traitor, laughing at me" he said in a joking manner.

"Aww I'm real sorry it's just.." Kenny looked at Aj, a glint in his eye, and the two turned to face Sharky at the same time, grinning like maniacs and pointing their fingers at him.


He, Aj and Niko erupted into laughter as Sharky stared them down, his arms crossed. Kenny laughed just looking at him.

"I'm sorry Sharks," he giggled inbetween his words.

"Yeah don't chat to me man, traitors, all of you lot." Sharky spoke dramatically, pointing a finger at everybody like he was in some kind of action movie, and it made everybody else laugh even more.

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