✩ chapter eight ✩

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It had been a few days since the shoot, and Kenny was woken up by the loud ringing of his phone, vibrating off his bedside table. He turned the phone on, the time blaring back at him in bright lights.

yung lamppost 🥶📲🤬
accept | decline

He sighed tiredly and picked up the phone. He tried to speak but was stopped by Niko, who's words were tumbling out of him in a stuttering mess.

"Ken! Kenny I've- fuck- i've seriously messed up. I'm- I said- Jesus christ Kenny I cant- I don't know- what the hell- what to do!"

He heard Niko's voice breaking on the other line as he stuttered. Kenny was seriously concerned. Niko never swore unless he was seriously fucked, and he was usually so calm all the time. Kenny spoke hurriedly over the phone.

"Niko, I need you to breathe for me yeah brother? You at your house?"

Niko hiccuped and told him that he was in his room. "Alright man, I'm- fuck- I'm coming to get you yeah just breathe in and out."

Kenny threw on a pair of joggers and slipped his shoes on, practically running out the door to his car. He reached Niko and Aj's in no time, unlocking the door with his own key and racing up to Niko's room. He banged on the door with his fist.

"Nik? Niko? It's Kenny, are you in?!"

Footsteps could be heard from the other side of the door and it opened as Kenny was met by Niko's face, stained with tears and a fearful look in his eyes.

Kenny looked at him and immediately pulled him into a hug, guiding him back to his bed as Niko explained what had left him in this state.

2 weeks earlier..

Niko and Aj's house had always been quiet, Aj kept to himself most days. Niko kind of liked the silence, it was peaceful, like Aj.

Aj. His Aje. He was so sweet, yet so sarcastic. He never failed to make anybody laugh, including Niko, and he always knew when to give people space. He was so so protective of his friends, and it was hard to get him to open up. Well, to most people.

He was kind, he cared for people. And Jesus was he stunning too. Those little curls that Niko just wanted to wrap around his finger. His small frame. He was so fucking beautiful.

Niko had noticed a shift in Aj recently, he had been more clingy with him almost. Sharky was still angry at Kenny, and Niko was worried about the pair, but Aj realised quickly that Niko worried too much about other people, about making them happier, or fixing their problems. Aj secretly thought it was sweet, how much he cared, but he worried about Niko putting other peoples problems above his own.

The credits of the movie he and Aj had been watching rolled and Niko watched as the other man got up to go to the kitchen. He let out a sigh he didn't know he'd been holding in. Specifically today, Aj had been all over him. If Niko was being completely honest, the lines between romantic and platonic were starting to blur.

The smaller man had been clinging on to him, burying his face in Niko's shoulder at the jump scares and had somehow ended up being sprawled across Niko's lap by the end of the movie. Niko was reeling. He snapped himself out of his dream - like haze and got up to follow Aj into the kitchen, brushing non existent dust off of himself.

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