✩ chapter six ✩

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Filming was unbearable. Sharky and Kenny were back to their normal selves for the camera, and it was torture. Because Kenny knew it was fake. That he had upset Sharky, the person that he had unknowingly been in love with for years.

So, instead of feeling happy every time he and Sharky interacted, it stung. Maybe that was the other man's intention, to hurt him back, but Kenny didn't really believe that was his intent. Even if Sharky was mad at a person he still didn't want them to be hurt. Kenny didn't understand why, he had been horrible, he deserved to be treated badly.

Being crowned the best liar in the Beta Squad, Kenny was able to keep somewhat of an act up. Sure, it wasn't all that convincing that nothing was going on, but he wouldn't let himself get visibly upset in front of the cameras.

As soon as the shoot was over with, Sharky, who had been leaning on Kenny's shoulder for the purpose of the video, wrenched himself away from him and walked over to the other side of the room. The man took off his mic and without even looking back he walked swiftly out of the door.

This was what Kenny hated. He would rather be screamed at then being ignored, and it was worse that it was Sharky. Kenny felt like an idiot. He should have just dealt with his feelings and messaged Sharky back, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, because he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from loving Sharky, not even if he tried.

He knew he would have to hold back his feelings soon enough. Sharky didn't like him back, and he couldn't let himself fall more in love with him just to be hurt.

After the shoot, Sharky carried on ignoring Kenny for days, just like Kenny did to him. The other Beta Squad members didn't really know why the pair were so bothered by it. It had been a whole week and they were still mad. Of course, Niko knew why it was such a big deal, but Chunkz and Aj were confused.

Chunkz kind of had an idea of what was going on, he had seen it in Niko and Aj many times. They always fought because they loved each other so much. Aj, on the other hand, was clueless. Clueless to what was going on and clueless to his feelings about Niko, but he could figure that one out later.

Sharky continued ignoring him for weeks, only talking to Kenny on camera. They stopped filming, and like clockwork, Sharky left the shoot without saying a word. Kenny had had enough. He ignored Niko's attempts to stop him and basically ran after the other man.

"Sharks!" He cried out. Sharky didn't turn around, he wouldn't even face him. "Sharky." Sharky still didn't turn, and Kenny let out a sigh, unwilling to give up, he pleaded. "Love, please."

Kenny hadn't meant to call Sharky love. The word slipped out, like it was normal. Yeah nice one idiot, Kenny thought, trying not to show your feelings towards him and you're moving like that? Chill out.

And then, for the first time in weeks, Sharky stopped, his shoulders tensing at the nickname. He turned around, facing Kenny and looking him in the eyes.

"Don't- fuck," he swiped a hand over his face, seemingly tired. "Don't call me that."

Kenny's face fell, but he couldn't let it show, this was the first time Sharky had talked to him outside shoots for weeks. The other man began walking away, but Kenny couldn't let him go, not his Sharky, not again. He grabbed onto his wrist and turned him around, and for a minute he swore he could see relief cross the other man's face before he regained his stony attitude towards him.

"Ken, please." Sharky's voice sounded desperate, and Kenny's mouth went dry. He opened his mouth aimlessly, thinking of words to say. He finally managed to compose himself, his fingers still lingering on Sharky's wrist which he was surprised the other man hadn't wrenched away from him yet.

"Please Sharks, scream in my face, do anything, but don't ignore me."

Sharky looked at him with disdain in his features.

"I'm doing you a favour."

"A favour?"

Sharky rolled his eyes, like what he was saying was obvious.

"Well obviously you hate me so much you don't want to fucking speak to me so I'm just doing you a favour by ignoring you myself, now leave me alone."

Kenny was speechless at the fact that Sharky believed that he actually hated him, that anyone could hate him. His Sharky.

"Hate you? I could never hate you, Sharks."

"Then why did you ignore me? Leave me alone when I was genuinely fucking worried about you?! Do you think that that's fucking fine? What you just rip yourself away from me like im disgusting to you and then walk out, ignore me when I ask you what's wrong and then don't speak to me for a week? Don't chat to me about 'I could never hate you' because you know that's a lie. Leave me alone Kenny, there's no point in acting like you like me outside shoots."

And at that, Kenny felt the corners of his eyes start to sting as his vision became blurred with tears. Sharky actually thought Kenny hated him. He stared at the back of Sharky as the man almost left, and he cried out once more.


And Sharky hesitated, turning around at the sound of his broken voice. Kenny felt himself tremble as he spoke.

"I don't hate you. I really cant explain why I left that night, and why I ghosted for a week but I cant do this shit anymore. I fucking miss you Sharky. And I know its annoying that you don't have a reason to forgive me but i'm so, so incredibly sorry and I need to be able to talk to you normally again because i'm losing my fucking mind here. Please Sharks."

And oh, the way Sharky looked at him.

The man turned to face him, his eyes glazed over with tears. "Okay- fuck." he let himself sigh, "It's alright Ken, I forgive you."

Kenny's eyes burned with tears, and immediately, Sharky was there. Kenny buried his face in Sharky's shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent for the first time in weeks.

"I'm sorry" He cried out, pressing soft kisses to Sharky's shoulder while crying into it. "I'm sorry im sorry i'm sorry." He repeated, and Sharky hold him tighter.

"Shhh lovely, it's okay, don't be sorry. Im sorry for ignoring you." Sharky said softly, and Kenny looked up at him in disbelief.

"Im sorry for ignoring you!" Kenny exclaimed as Sharky's face was decorated with a small grin. Jesus was he beautiful.

The two looked at each other, and burst into childish giggles at their stupidity. "How the fuck did we get here?" Sharky laughed out, wiping a tear from his face.

Kenny grinned sloppily. "Guess it's just us being ignorant." He winked in a cartoon manner, and Sharky scoffed at his childishness.

"Allah never pull that horror joke again, dear lord you're worse than me." But Kenny didn't care, he just smiled even wider. Because he had Sharky back.

His Sharky.


1222 words


i am so so sorry for how long this took i had such a block but it's outt!! 😭😭

feel like i'm moving too fast but idgaf its my fic xo

anyway hope u enjoyed my babies are reuiniteddd

i need more aj and niko in this book so mabye i'll write a chap for them but idk yet


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