✩ chapter twelve ✩

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Kenny woke up to his phone buzzing. He looked around, delirious, and smiled as the memories from the night before came back to him.

Sharky opening up to him made him love him every bit more, and it killed him that Sharky felt that way about himself, so he decided he would do everything in his power to make the other man feel loved. He picked up his phone.

aj's bitches (beta ig 😒😒)
5+ unread messages

chunkzhino: ai you lot come to mine later i miss hanging out with you

yung lampost 🥶🤬: Say less brother i'm there

shawheels 🔽😜: mhm same

chunkzhino: CRAZYY the way you answered straight after him

shawheels 🔽😜: oi pause

Kenny typed quickly into his phone, finally getting up from his bed.

kenny: sounds good bro, what time are you thinking?

chunkzhino: hopefully around 7ish

kenny: calm, love yeah i'll see you later

chunkzhino: lovee

sharks 💓: can't wait :)

Soon enough, seven rolled around, and of course Kenny was late. Again.

He drove to Chunkz's, the clock reading 7.34. And he knocked on the door with glee as if he wasn't over half an hour late, but he didn't care. The door opened and before he could even think, Sharky was there, jumping into his arms like the night before.

"Bit eager there," Kenny teased.

"Missed you," Sharky mumbled, the sound muffled by Kenny's jumper. Kenny laughed, kissing Sharky lightly on the nose, and Sharky jumped off of him as the two walked into the living room where Chunkz was sat with Filly.

The two looked up at Sharky and Kenny, and Chunkz spoke out. "Oi, where on earth did you go yesterday? We came back with your munch and you were gone."

Kenny hummed. "Had important business to attend to, innit." Sharky giggled from behind him and walked off to the bathroom. Chunkz waited for the sound of the lock clicking before he raised an eyebrow at Kenny. "Bro, what?"

Chunkz and Filly looked evilly at each other and broke out into a charade, taking the piss out of Kenny and Sharky by gripping on to each other and giggling away. Filly looked deep into Chunkz's eyes, pretending to wipe tears off his face and sniffling. "Missed you!!" Chunkz spoke inbetween laughs, pouting his lips and making his eyes all wide.

"Bit eager there my little sugargumdrop!"
"Aw, I love you so much my crinkly little chocolate wrapper!"
"I love you too my silly billy baby boo boo bear!"

Kenny rolled his eyes. "Funny ones you are." Filly was wheezing, clutching his chest. He managed to splutter out, "BYE BYE, MY LITTLE CRINKLYPOP!", blowing a kiss to him as he left. Kenny walked out of the room, shaking his head with a laughter filled smile on his face.

Kenny made his way into the kitchen, immediately wishing he never did. He opened the door to the sight of Aj sat on the counter with Niko stood between his legs. Well, they seem to have made up.

They were clinging onto eachother like it was life support, and Niko would press a kiss to Aj's face or neck every so often, showering him with affection. Aj was giggling like a schoolgirl. Kenny very loudly fake gagged and waved meticulously at the pair as he left the room, winking at Niko obnoxiously as he closed the door.

The group all eventually made their way into the living room, and Sharky plonked himself right next to Kenny on the sofa, their bodies pressed close together as Sharky held on to his hand sweetly.

Kenny turned his head and Chunkz and Filly were both looking at him with an eyebrow raised, and turning into eachother to giggle at the irony. Kenny mouthed an obnoxious "Piss off" at them before turning back around to 'focus' on the conversation that was happening in front of him.

"What would you do if I like, took all your money and then we like investigated it but you never knew it was me because.."

Kenny felt himself tuning out the words as usual, but not because he was bored. Because he had this beautiful man sat next to him, and Kenny decided it was time to test Sharky. He moved his arm underneath the blanket they shared.

Slowly, he moved his hand so that it was gently resting on the inside of the other man's knee. He rubbed circular motions into the fabric of his tracksuit and looked on, pretending nothing was happening. He maintained his movements for a few minutes, before shifting the position of his hand.

He snaked his hand slowly upwards, and it was moving up Sharky's thigh now. He felt Sharky stiffen a little bit, and he grinned slightly to himself, knowing that his teasing was working. He moved his hand up even further, and it was now fully on the inside of Sharky's upper thigh, moving still in circular motions.

Kenny listened as Sharky's breath hitched, and he froze. Sharky looked over at him in question, but Kenny just looked on, acting like things were entirely normal. Kenny increased the intensity of his motions, tension building as Sharky breathed out shakily beside him. Kenny bit his lip at the sound, and Sharky stood up abruptly, walking towards the door. "Gonna- uhm- going to the b-bathroom! Yep! Bye!" he stammered, covering himself as he stumbled out of the room.

Kenny tried to hide the smirk that was creeping  onto his face. Sharky was a hot mess. And he had caused it. Kenny still didn't know how Sharky really felt about him, but he was one step closer to finding out. He must have been somewhat attracted to Kenny after that whole fiasco, right? He had only rubbed his leg for fucks sake. And the sighs. Dear god. Kenny was fucked.

After a few minutes, Sharky returned, still flushed from the interaction before. Tensions were high as he resumed his spot on the couch, and Kenny rolled his eyes, pulling the other man's legs into his lap. He leaned over to whisper in Sharky's ear. "Is this okay for you, my love?" Sharky flushed a deep red and just nodded, and Kenny grinned once again. He pressed a soft kiss to his cheek and relaxed back down into the couch, his hand protectively looping around Sharky's waist.

The pieces of his puzzle were finally starting to come together.


1064 words


this is lowkey short but whatever

kind of a filler chapter but a little eventful i guess.


sharky is actually so unable to resist kenny its not even funny.


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