✩ chapter eleven ✩

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After Darkest's advice, Kenny basically ran out of the house, eager to see Sharky. He felt a compelling urge to be with him. He dialled his number as he hopped into the car, bouncing his leg up and down and waiting for a response. It wasn't long before Sharky's tired voice came through the speaker.


"Sharks! Hi! Um, so I'm coming to your house."


"I'm coming over, I wanna bring you someplace special."

"Kenny, I've just woken up."

"Aw come on Sharks."

"It's dark out Kenny, it'll be cold."

"Yeah, exactly, it's dark out, that's the whole point. Please love, I really want to see you." Kenny whined, dragging out his words as he talked. There was a pause, and Sharky spoke again, seemingly changing his mind.

"Come get me in 15."

Kenny grinned, "Deal! See you then baby."

"Y-yeah, see you!"

Sharky hung up the phone and Kenny smirked at his obviously shaky reply to the nickname.

Kenny drove to Sharky's without even thinking, the route was muscle memory at this point. He made sure to fix himself in the car mirror before practically skipping up to the man's door.

He unlocked the door gently and stood in the doorframe, grinning. He gazed mindlessly at Sharky, who was stood in the kitchen, singing along sweetly to some song that was playing on the radio. Kenny just smiled on in adoration.

He crept into the kitchen, where Sharky's back was turned, and snuck up behind him. He wrapped his arms fully around the man's waist and Sharky jumped out of his skin, but relaxed into the touch once he realised who it was.

"I swear to fuck Kenny." Kenny just laughed, and pressed a fleeting kiss to Sharky's jaw as he hopped up on the counter. Sharky seemed to freeze in place for a few seconds, but snapped himself out of it and walked towards the staircase.

"Where are you off to?" Kenny pressed.

"Going to fix myself up, I look fucking jarring."

Kenny watched him go in disbelief. How could Sharky ever look bad. He shouted up the stairs after him. "You look amazing, plus, it's only me you idiot!"

And as Kenny watched him disappear up the stairs, he could have sworn he heard Sharky mutter, "Yeah, exactly, why else would I want to look good," under his breath.

Kenny waited a few minutes until Sharky came to the top of the stairs, and fuck, well wasnt he just beautiful.

He was stood with a durag draped lazily atop his head, and wearing a matching primo tracksuit that complimented his face far more then Kenny needed it to. He was smiling softly as he came down the stairs, and Kenny stared at him adoringly as he walked down.

"Um, Ken?" Sharky questioned, an eyebrow raised. Kenny managed to stutter out "Uhm, lets uh, lets go yeah?", as he walked to the car, his cheeks a deep shade of red.

The two got into the car and drove off, listening to the radio. "So, where are you taking me?" Kenny grinned and looked over at him. "Surprise." Sharky rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you better not bring me to some knacks place yeah? It's dark as shit outside." Sharky giggled. "Couldnt do that to you, think I love you too much." Suddenly, Sharky was grateful for the darkness of the car, as he felt his face going bright red.

The two continued to drive down winding roads until Kenny stopped in a woodland car park. They got out of the car and Sharky turned to look at him with his arms crossed. "Ken, why are we in the middle of the fucking woods?" Kenny frowned. "Oh don't be that way Sharks, I know a spot I promise!"

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