✩ chapter thirteen ✩

485 18 84

Day of match the girlfriend to the boyfriend

The group were sat at the table, the cameras starting to roll. Kenny looked over at Sharky briefly, there was something wrong with him. He seemed.. tired? Kenny didn't know, but he could feel it, he looked shaken. Kenny could always feel when something was wrong with Sharky.

The cameras rolled, and Kenny switched himself back into his filming persona, but in the corner of his eye he watched as Sharky slipped in and out of focus, zoning out and fiddling nervously, a slight shake controlling his leg.

Kenny wanted nothing more than to help Sharky. He wanted to take his hand in his and kiss his stupid face and hold him until he stopped fucking shaking like that. He wanted to be something safe, something stable.

Kenny waited until the focus wasn't on the two of them, and he placed his hand so gently on Sharky's knee, barely there, but almost a sign of safety, or comfort, telling him I'm here. Sharky's shaking slowed to a stop, and once he realised that Kenny was there, comforting him, keeping him steady, he wouldn't stop holding on.

Sharky was constantly fiddling with Kenny's hand under the table, or resting gently against his body. He was always whispering some kind of joke to him, and the two would lean in close to eachother, laughing obnoxiously as their hands brushed past one another. At one stage, Sharky lowered himself to lean on Kenny's shoulder for about a solid minute. Kenny felt like he was dying, and he let himself smile privately when Sharky couldn't see.

But everything still wasn't enough. Kenny needed Sharky closer. Impossibly closer. Because the truth is, Kenny needed Sharky like air. He was all he thought about. He consumed his every waking thought, everything he did. He was practically itching to pick him up and envelope him in the most endearing hug the world has ever seen, but he waited until the cameras stopped rolling.

The crew announced that they had finished up, and everybody had left set, except for Kenny and Sharky. Kenny sat down on the couch in the corner as he waited for Sharky to leave the bathroom. He heard the familiar creak of the door and he shot up, closing the distance between them in quick strides as he took Sharky into his arms wordlessly. Sharky sighed, the sound muffled by Kenny's shoulder.  Kenny spoke in a hushed tone.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong with you, but I can call someone if you wanna talk or y'know even if-"

Sharky hummed, stopping him.

"S'okay, I've got you."

Kenny smiled softly, adoration coursing through him as the two pulled away. He placed both hands on the sides of the other man's face and Sharky pressed his forehead against Kenny's. They closed their eyes, taking eachother in.

They pulled way from eachother, their faces mere inches apart. Sharky looked across his face through those fucking lashes. They stayed there, looking into eachothers eyes. And this all encompassing urge to reach out came over Kenny. To be closer. To have more. It drove him insane, but he stopped himself. He pressed a quick kiss to Sharky's cheek and spoke out hesitantly, clearing his throat. He was still conflicted about Sharky's feelings for him, and he wasn't sure enough for this yet.

"Uh so.. I'll um, I'll bring you home yeah Sharks?"

Sharky scratched the back of his neck, seemingly disappointed.


Kenny walked out to the car, Sharky following him with his head held low. They drove awkwardly to Sharky's, one of them occasionally saying something about the shoot. They arrived, and they both stepped out of the car. Kenny quickly hugged Sharky goodbye and reached for the handle of the car door when a hand gently gripped around his wrist. He turned around.

"Um. Can- shit- can you stay?"

Kenny looked into those eyes, pupils blown wide and pleading. "Yeah Sharks, course. C'mon."

He interlinked hands with the other man and Sharky let him in. They talked in Sharky's room for hours, close together and forgetting about the brash awkwardness of the moment from earlier.

Kenny was holding Sharky close to his chest on the bed, carding a hand lazily though his hair and shamelessly staring down at him. Sharky looked up.


"Mm nothing," Kenny grinned, testing the waters again. "You're just bare beautiful you know."

Sharky's eyes went wide and his face flushed so red Kenny was genuinely concerned. He laughed at his flustered state and all Sharky managed to get out was a shy "t-thanks" before resuming his position from before, but Kenny swore his grip around his body was tighter this time.

After a few minutes passed, Sharky let out a groan. "Ken, I'm so hungry." Kenny nodded his head in agreement and the two headed downstairs, Sharky still clinging to his wrist like he couldn't stop being in physical contact with him.

Kenny put two slices of bread in the toaster and waited by the counter, staring into space. Suddenly, a pair of warm arms wrapped around his torso as he felt a head resting gently on his shoulder. Kenny smiled. "Hi love."

Sharky didn't reply. He stood there for a minute, and what he did next, Kenny nearly lost his life. Sharky brought his face closer to the crook of Kenny's neck, his lips brushing past his throat. Kenny's breath hitched, caught in his throat, and he didn't dare speak a word.

Sharky pressed a soft kiss to his neck, hardly there, and Kenny sighed, his heart going 100 miles an hour. He was conflicted, what does he do? Sharky kissed again, this time more needily, the arms around his waist moving so that his hands held his hips now. Kenny struggled, biting his lip.

It was surreal. What was Sharky doing? The pressed needy kisses all along his neck and up his cheek until he leaned into Kennys ear, his kisses slowing to a stop. "Sharks, what are you doi-" But Sharky stopped him, shushing him quietly. The tensions flooded through Kenny, and he waited in anticipation for Sharky to say something, anything.

"Hmm, You're just bare beautiful you know." 

And Sharky pulled away from him, Kenny fighting the whine that escaped his lips as the other man left the room, leaving him stood there, frozen in shock. What the fuck had just happened. Mabye Sharky did have feelings for him? Was this a confirmation?

Kenny leaned his head back against the fridge, sighing in confliction. He muttered to himself.

"Fucking hell Sharky, someday you're gonna kill me."


1110 words

..hey 😅😇😝

guess who's back from her collosal break...!!! (spoiler its me)


i wanna apologise for the severe lack of interaction but these exams are seriously stressing me out but u promise i'll be back to normal when i'm done with these (UGH)

ANYWAY OPINIONS ON THE NEW CHAPTER?? they're so stupid it makes me ill.


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