✩ chapter ten ✩

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(warning kind of sexual content but like nothing crazy)

That night, Kenny calmed Niko down and the other boy spilled everything that he felt towards Aj. Kenny was hit by a strong wave of deja vu to the night not long before, when he had called Niko in distress about Sharky. It was certain that the two could always depend on each other. They were practically brothers.

Niko told him how he was mad at Aj before, and that he felt horrible, his anger going away quicker then ever. And Kenny just laughed, because he knew.

Niko, who was known to be a stubborn person, could never, ever, hate Aj Shabeel. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

Kenny made sure that Niko was okay, and dropped him back to his house the next day.
He wished him goodbye as he walked out the door, knowing he'd fix things with Aj as soon as he got in. "See you later yeah? Love."

Niko heard the door shut behind him and quickly grabbed a bag of sweets from the counter and plucked a seemingly alive flower from a random vase on the table. He wanted to do more for Aj, but he couldn't wait to make it up to him, so this would have to do for now. He missed him so much. His soft touch and his smile.

He walked up the stairs and took a deep breath before cautiously knocking on Aj's door. He hadn't even seen Aj out of his room for days, and there was a long stretch of silence before a quiet "yeah..?" was uttered from behind the door.

Niko turned the handle, opening the door slowly and attempting to smile. He revealed his "gifts" from behind his back, awkward as ever and jutting out his bottom lip as a plea, and Aj just raised an eyebrow, trying to hide the obvious smile playing at the corner of his lips. He always caved so easily.

"...Hey baby."

There was a long pause, Aj cocked his head to the side and trying so hard not to smile, but Niko saw straight through it.

"Hi there, 'baby'."

"I'm sorry."

"Shut up."

"I... care about you..?"

"Literally hate you so much."

The two grinned at each other like idiots, happy they could resolve things even in a joke way. Niko watched as Aj's smile grew, and it lit up his whole face. He grinned wide, taking in the beautiful man in front of him, and god was he pretty. So much so, Niko blurted it out without a second thought.

"You're so beautiful." He spoke, breathless.

Aj smiled like the sun, and promptly replied,

"Lanky fuck."

"Marry me."

"In your wildest dreams, my love."

Niko was reeling at the nickname, and the sheer ridiculousness of the whole situation, and he felt like he was fucking flying. Because the boy in front of him, his boy, his Aj, was smiling again. Smiling because of him. And his stupid little jokes were back. And suddenly Niko felt lighter, and all he wanted to do was to hold Aj close to him for the rest of his life.

"My love yeah?"

Aj rolled his eyes playfully.

"Shut the fuck up."

And because Niko was so, so petty, he laughed out,

"Yeah? Make me."

𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 ; sharkenny Where stories live. Discover now