✩ chapter three ✩

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It had been a good few days since the Beta Squad had filmed their last video, and the group hadn't all seen each other since. Kenny shifted on his couch, bored out his mind, when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

aj's bitches (beta ig 😒)
5+ Unread Messages

sharks 💓: LITTLE SHITS

sharks 💓: r u lot free im bored and i havent seen u all since family feud

sharks 💓: pls come to mine im so bored and we can watch movies 😇🙏

shawheels 🔽😜: ill go ask nik

chunkzhino: sounds good brother im free

shawheels 🔽😜: same here me n niko r leaving in 15

sharks 💓: YAYAY

Kenny found himself smiling down at the messages before remembering he had to respond as well. He typed quickly before grabbing his car keys and shrugging on his coat.

aj's bitches (beta ig 😒)

kenny: coming now sharks 🙃

sharks 💓: oh yeah? 😘😜😉

chunkzhino: MENTALLLL

Turning the keys in his car, he glanced back down at his phone, laughing to himself at the messages. He and Sharky had always flirted as a joke. He typed back swiftly.

aj's bitches (beta ig 😒)

kenny: snm babycakes ill drive faster 😜😍😫

omilanaenae: Yeah yeah suspicious activities icl

sharks 💓: 😉😉😉😉😉

Kenny let out a laugh and shut off his phone, driving down the road to Sharky's house. All jokes aside, he actually did find himself driving faster to get to Sharky. He was always excited to see him, especially since it had almost been a whole week since the two had seen eachother.

He reached Sharky's house in no time and walked up the path, gravel crunching underneath his feet.

Knocking on the door, Kenny waited approximately 5 seconds before the door swung open and he was attacked by a hug from Sharky. He felt himself smile gently against the other man's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his neck.

He spoke into his shoulder. "Hey Sharks." His words muffled by the other man's jumper. The two released each other, and Sharky's whole face lit up with a smile. And Kenny suddenly felt the compelling urge to hurt anyone who ever made Sharky stop smiling, because, he decided, that it was possibly his favourite sight in the whole world.

Kenny had most definitely noticed the shift in his feelings about Sharky recently. He didn't know what it was that he felt, and deep down the feeling had always been there, but he just couldn't figure it out.

He quickly shifted his thoughts away from the subject, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a coke from the fridge. He pushed himself up on to the counter, letting his legs dangle as he watched Sharky lean against the doorframe opposite him, his eyes trained on the hoodie he was wearing.

𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 ; sharkenny Where stories live. Discover now