✩ chapter two ✩

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Kenny opened the door to his car, stepping out into the cold air. It was still winter, and he walked inside to where they were filming, shivering from the cold.

The boys had decided to film their version of Family Feud part 2. They were split into two teams of three and had invited Deji and Darkest to play as well.

As a shock to nobody, Kenny was the last one to arrive on set. He felt his face brighten upon seeing his friends. Around them, he was the best version of himself, a smile permanently on his face.

It took a while to get everybody set up, but when they were all ready, Darkest began to announce the video.

"Hey guys! Welcome to the Beta Squad FAMILY FEUD TWO!"

A chorus of cheers went up around them and the video commenced. Kenny's team consisted of Chunkz and Sharky, and their group was lively throughout the whole video, always celebrating by leaping around and hugging each other, but him and Sharky most of all.

The two had been clinging on to each other in some way for the whole video. They were touching even more than usual, with Kenny hugging Sharky every five seconds or Sharky always finding a way to touch his arm or his hands.

After answering a question wrong, Kenny walked back over to their table confused. He looked at the two. "But a treadmill runs?!" He whined in protest.

"No it doesnt!" Sharky shouted back

"Where? Who? Why does the treadmill run?!" Chunkz questioned him, in a frustrated tone.

"YOU RUN ON THE TREADMILL!" Sharky explained, waving his hands around dramatically.

Kenny could have been convinced that the other men were actually mad about his answer, had it not been for the whole time they were shouting, Sharky was reaching for Kenny's hand. It almost made him smile, because he knew for a fact that Sharky's love language was physical touch, proving that he wasnt really mad at him, not at all.

When they stopped screaming at each other, Kenny smiled privately to himself. He actually found Sharky's reassurance kind of sweet, and made even more effort to be physically affectionate with him throughout the day.

After filming the video, the group stopped at a Nandos, sitting in a booth at the back so that they wouldn't be swarmed by the public.

The seating was quite small, and Kenny was sat next to Sharky, the two pressed up against each other. His cuteness from earlier played on his mind, and Kenny found himself always holding onto him again.

He had an arm around Sharky's shoulder almost constantly, sometimes, their pinkies would even be interlinked under the table. For some reason, it made Kenny's stomach flutter, but still, he had no idea why.

He didn't think there would ever be a way to describe the love he had for Sharky. Not really. Because he loved him like he had never loved anybody else. He didn't know why the way he felt about him was different, or why every time they touched he felt himself brighten up.

The first time that he saw Sharky's smile, he knew that he wanted to see it forever. Play it back again and again in his mind. And it was the same for their first hug, or the first time that they'd seen each other cry. And dear god, he really was a pretty crier.

In his head, Kenny had always pinned it down as friendship, but his thoughts seemed to be changing, and he didn't understand why at all.

Because friendship shouldn't have felt that way. Because in Kennys mind, it seemed that Sharky was sort of all that really mattered.

Kenny decided to look at the man next to him, and oh.

You are so, so beautiful, he thought

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