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13 years ago ( Taehyung-9, Jennie-7)

Taehyung's pov

Sometimes there is no darker place than our
thoughts, the moonless midnight of the mind.
And right now I was in the darkest of places.
Literally and figuratively.

I was locked in a store room by my own mother.
A mother is supposed to love her child except I can't
remember a single moment when she showed me,

For as long as I can remember, she has been
neglecting and abusing me. Maybe that's how all the
women are.I just went to my father's office to show him
my report card. But instead, I found my mother
rummaging through his confidential files.

I knew they were important for my father's
business and I just knew that I had to tell him about it. but before I could, she locked me here in this store room.

I don't know how much time it had been but it feels
like hours. I am hungry and thirsty.
And I am scared.
Scared of the darkness.
Why doesn't she loves me?
She told me that I am unlovable.
Is it true?

My father is the head of the Korean mafia, one of
the strongest mafia in the world And I am the heir.

The prince.

I am expected to always be strong. But I still can't fight my own mother.

Maybe I deserve what she did to me for being weak.
I can feel the darkness consuming my mind.
I am losing myself.

Just before it can consume me whole, the door slams open and there stands a girl. Probably the most prettiest girl I have ever seen in all my 9 years of life.She looks like an angel.

"What are you doing here? Are you playing hide and
seek too? But why is the door locked then? Are you
okay? You don't look okay maybe we should take you to the doctor. "The girl rambled everything in one breath with a cute frown on her pretty face.

Am I dreaming?

As if to prove that I am in fact not dreaming she held my hand in her small one and helped me escape the darkness.

The darkness of the room and the darkness of my
mind and soul.

"I am Jennie," she said


"From now on we are best friends" she smiles
brightly and hugs me.

And at that moment I knew that she is mine.
My saviour, my light, my best friend, my soul mate and my love.

9 years ago ( Taehyung-13, Jennie-11)

Taehyung's pov

I watch from my bedroom window as Jennie feeds
terror and chaos, to our guard dogs.

That beautiful smile that can light up anyone's day,
is present on her face like always. There is a small
smile on my face too that seems to never leave in her presence.

It feels like yesterday when she opened the store
room and announced me as her best friend.

She came like sunshine in my life and probably
everyone else's. It's just her nature. She can have
anyone wrap around her pinky finger with just a
look. even my ever-strict father seems to love her
like a daughter.That day after she freed me from the room. I told
my father everything and turns out my mother ran
away with some important papers.

There was a mafia ball that day and my father was
busy with the preparation and she took advantage of it.

Jennie and I became great friends and she started
coming here regularly after that.

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