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Jennie's pov

"A dead body found inside a garbage bag in a
dumpster. Police has been able to recognize the man.
The victim, 32 year old Jack Browns was found with missing body parts and three bullets including one to his head. The police is carrying out the investigation but no evidence on who did it has been found as of now."

I almost spat the coffee out of my mouth as the image of the same man who drugged me a couple days ago pulled up in the television screen.

He probably pissed off some psycho by touching his girlfriend or sister. Or maybe he pissed off a girl and she decided to rid the world of an idiot.Good riddance?

Does it make me a psycho too to think that. I am a
nice person but I have no empathy for someone who touches a women or a man without consent. karma catched up to him for his sins and he totally deserved it.

Me as a lawyer would gladly defend a criminal who
killed a rapist. Sometimes the court can't serve the
victim the justice and the criminal the punishment that they deserved.

I am already ready for my college but I still have
some extra time so I decided to watch some news.

Its been 5 days since I met Taehyung and we have
been texting a bit and he is really sweet. I think I am
developing a crush on him.

It's my last day for this semester and for the next six months we will have to do an internship in a law firm or a corporate firm before appearing for my final exams and obtaining my bachelors degree in law.

After that I can apply for masters and be done with
my studies.I am really excited for today since some really nice
firms are coming to our college to select students for internship.

I have already passed the written test and the
interview for internship at Kim Corporations.

It may not be a law firm but it deals with contracts
in a daily basis and it is one of the best real estate
company in the world so working with them would be great. I am really looking forward to it.

"Congratulations girl" came the obnoxiously loud
voice of Jisoo before she hugged me and spinned me around before passing me to Rosé.

We talked for a bit before we parted our ways
I decided to call my brother to give him the news. I
called him and he answered the phone on the second ring.

"Hey big brother guess who got the internship at one of the biggest firms" I said enthusiastically

"Let me guess. Is it my baby sister?" Minho said
matching my level of enthusiasm. He is like my best
friend except when it comes to boys."Congratulations Jennie you really deserve it" he
said and I can hear the smile in his voice "which
company?" He continued to ask

"The Kim corporations" my answer is followed by silence and I checked to see if he is still there.

There are rumors that the owner of the company is involved in illegal activities but they are just rumors and I wouldn't judge them till it is confirmed.

"Are you sure you want to work there?" he asked.

"Yes. It would be a great experience" I answered

"Alright just take care of yourself" he said before
hanging up.

He has been acting really weird for a while now like
he is hiding something. Maybe he is just having some problems with the company.

I am standing infront of my parents graves with
moisture in my eyes and a feeling of heaviness in my heart.

I cleared the old flowers from their graves and kept the fresh ones there before kissing the headstones of both of their graves."Hi mom and dad, it's been a while. I hope you
are alright up there. I have so much I want to talk
about. Firstly your daughter managed to secure an
internship in a big company. I hope you are proud of me. Minho is doing well although he had been acting a little weird for a few days. He is taking good care of your company dad." I said and a few tears fell from my eyes landing on the headstones.

"I really miss you both. I am sorry that the world
took you so early. I know you are watching over us
from above. I love you both so much" I said smiling
before getting up.

I saw a couple probably in their 50's standing a few feet away from me looking sad. The women was sobbing while the man didn't look too good either. Maybe they lost someone too. Probably their child.

I felt a little bit bad for them. I know how if feels to
lose someone you love.

I passed them my brightest smile hoping it would
lighten up their day somehow.

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