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Jennie's pov
8 years later

The loud clinking of metal woke me up. Looking to my right, I saw Tae's side of the bed was empty so out of habit, I reached out into the bedside table and pulled out the gun that nico always kept there.

I wore a robe over my naked figure before
carefully making my way out of the room and down
the stairs.

Following the hushed sounds, I went towards the
kitchen and quickly hid the gun when I saw the scene in front of me.

"Careful or you will wake your mother up" Tae
who might I add is shirtless whispered to our
three-year-old son V

"Sorry papa" V whispered back to his father in
his adorable baby voice

"It's okay bud" Tae petted V's head as little.
V continues to pass his father whatever was

On the kitchen island, I saw our daughter and
V's younger twin sister, Nini trying to crack an
egg and failing miserably. A smile formed on my face as I saw Nuni smash the egg on the country and her cute giggles filled the kitchen.On the other side of the kitchen, Kuma is eating his food quietly. He is now a full-grown wolf and is very protective of V and Nini and doesn't let anyone touch them. Even Tae has softened up to him now. He is like our adopted child and we love him to pieces.

"That's not how you do it" V scolded his sister
while Nini glared at him

"No one asked you" she retorted and that's how their bickering started.

"Enough." Tae interrupted "Nini you just have to
tap the egg lightly princess" I watched as Tae picked up an egg and told her how to do it while Nini tried to copy it only to smash the egg again causing nico to just shake his head while trying to stifle a grin.

He finally turned towards the door and his eyes
widened when he saw me staring at them

"Did we woke you up?" He asked walking towards
me till he is standing in front of me

"It is worth it when I woke up to such a delicious
sight of you cooking shirtless with our children "I
whispered in his ear while trailing a finger down his

"Mmm. Happy fifth anniversary Mrs. Kim" he
whispered in my ear in a seductive voice before
sucking at my earlobe."Happy anniversary Mr. Kim," I said.

His lips were just an inch away from mine before....

"Ewww" they shouted as their bodies came in
between ours and I stumbled back in shock

"No kisses" Nini scolded with her hand on her hips
while nico just rolled his eyes while playfully glaring
at them

"Mama , Papa brought flowers for you and papa says that he loves you," V said giving me a bouquet of fresh roses

"And papa can't say it himself?” I asked kneeling to
his height

"Papa is shy" Nini commented smugly while Tae
feigned offence

"Am I now. Weren't you the ones who wanted to
give her the flowers" Tae said narrowing his eyesbefore he picked up Nini and tickled her belly. her giggles resonate throughout the kitchen while Kuma also barks from behind us as he waggles his tail."Go and freshen up while I make breakfast. I was
planning on breakfast at bed but our children are not very quiet" he asserted and I nodded and left for the bathroom

I brushed my teeth and did my business. Walking out
of the bathroom, my gaze fell to the drawer where
I hid the gift I brought for Taehyung. I tucked it in my pocket and went back downstairs to see Tae serving breakfast.

"We aren't going to work today and everyone is
coming for dinner tonight" he announced.

Taehyung had taken over as the Leader of the bratva four years ago and the Korean mafia is thriving under his rule while I had completed my law around the same time. I now work as his personal lawyer since he is too overprotective and clingy to leave me alone not that I mind.

"Okay" I replied as I dug into the delicious waffles
We ate in silence after that except for the twins
bickering with each other.

When we are done, the twins ran off to their
playroom with atlas strolling after them leaving me
and Tae alone. I tapped my leg nervously while he
cleared his throat and extended a wrapped box in
front of me.With shaking hand, I opened it and gasped when
I saw what was the in it. It was the same diamond
anklet I had been eyeing at an auction a week ago but it was too expensive so I didn't say it. I didn't wanted Tae to waste money on it But of course he noticed .

"Oh my god"

"A small gift for my queen,” he said as he kneeled in
front of me and locked it around my ankle, my eyes
welled up with tears.

These hormones I swear

"Are you alright? You didn't like it? I thought you
did since you kept glancing at it" Tae rambled as I
sniffed and shook my head

"I like it," I said in a hoarse voice before I took out
the small box from my pocket and handed it to him.I watched in anticipation as he unwrapped it and took out the stick. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he realised what it is. His eyes snapped to me and I noticed they were moist

"You are pregnant?" He asked

"Yes. I didn't get my period so I checked and
surprise" I laughed nervously and that's all it took
for the biggest grin to adorn his face as he kissed
me with so much love

"You better get a vasectomy after this or I am not
letting you touch me again. Three kids are enough" I
said while pointing my finger at him

"We will see" he grinned before kissing me again and we both smiled

"Happy anniversary Mr. Kim“ I wished again

"Happy indeed Mrs. Kim" he replied

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