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Taehyung's pov

"We have the guy in the dungeons boss" Jungkook said
as soon as I enter the warehouse.

The dungeon where just a few days ago I killed a
guy who hurt Jennie, is now occupied by another one
of her demons and here I am, to scare them away
from earth.

Walking into the room, the smell of blood, sweat and
urine fills my nose making me cringe. I looked at the
naked guy tied by ropes, completely unharmed for

This is the guy who left her outside the hospital. Not
left actually, he threw her out of the car in front of
the hospital. Looking at him sleeping peacefully right
now is making my skin itch to cause him unbearable

Taking the glass of boiled water that Jungkook passed to
me in my hands, I dumped it into his face, making him
wake up screaming. His pain-filled screams were
like music to my ears when I think of how he may
have made her scream in pain too.When he is done screaming. He finally noticed me
and I watched as realization dawned on his face and
fear overtook his expression.

"Why why a...am I here? I did.... didn't do anything" he asked shuttering pathetically

"We just wanted to ask a few questions. Nothing
serious" I replied before sitting in a chair across
from him with a smirk on my face.

Picking up a knife from the tray Jungkook set in front
of me, I twirled it around my fingers.

Looking at his fear filled eyes, I asked
"Who do you work for?"

"No one" he lied a little too fast

I pressed the tip of the knife against his thigh
pressing it deep before dragging it down his knee

"Are you gonna tell me the truth now?" I asked once

"No. you son of a bitch" he yelled

I pressed the knife at the back of his ear dragging it down his neck and chest and then plunging it in at his side causing his cries to resonate throughout the dungeon."The french mafia. Bang Pd. Please stop" he screamed.

Fury envelopes my whole being. The French mafia.

They had been our allies. The backstabbing bitches
'helped' us when we searched for Jennie.

"Why?" I asked him glaring

"Why what?" He asked scared

"Why kidnapped Jennie"

"She was both yours and the greek's weakness. He
wanted power and he wanted to weaken you both so
that he can rise to the top" he said making my blood

"Why leave her outside the hospital" I asked what I
had been wondering for a while now

"S..she was too used and li...lifeless to be of any use
to him so he decided to leave her there so that you can find her and her condition can affect you but
that didn't happen" opening his fist I cut off one of his fingers and then other for the fury that filled me at his words."Did you ever touch her?" I asked. The answer is
gonna determine the type of death he is gonna have.

"I.I didn't" And I know he lied

"Tell me the truth. it will hurt less" I told him the tip of my knife a centimetre away from his eye

"I did" he admitted practically shaking with fear

"I lied"

In a second, my knife touched his eyeball bursting
it. The same eye that should never even have landed
on her. His second eye met the same fate leaving him

Next I completely cut off the hands he touched
her with. His tongue that he probably used to utter
disgusting words to her is lying beneath my boot.

"Get me some kerosene Jungkook" I ordered

A few minutes later there is a bottle of kerosene in my hand. I tipped it towards his dick that he probably raped my Jennie with. Before taking out the lighter from my pocket. His eyes pleading with me while his whole figure is shaking with fear.I am sure Jennie pleaded too but he didn't do

The flame touched his dick and the room is filled
with the pungent smell of flesh burning. I tipped the
remaining kerosene over his head and watched in
satisfaction as I set one of the monsters that ruined
Jennie on fire promising myself to give the same fate to the rest of them.

"Pack the remaining body parts and send it to Bang Pd, and tell him the alliance is no longer valid. He can't trade in Korea anymore" I said

"Oh and tell him to hide because when I find him then the consequences will be bad"

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