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Jennie's pov

I stood in front of my penthouse door staring at the
package lying outside it in confusion. I picked it up
anyway before unlocking the door and switching the lights on.

I hope it's not a bomb meant to kill me.

I unwrapped it and opened the box only to find a
beautiful dress and a pair of heels along with a
watch in it everything looked extremely expensive
and of my style.

I noticed a paper sticking out from the bottom of the box. Written in beautiful calligraphy it says,

A little gift for you. Wear it tonight for me.
                                             - Taehyung

I smiled. It's so sweet of him to do that although I don't want him to waste money on me.

I took a quick shower and changed into the dress.

The dress is white in colour and reaches up to
my mid-thighs and the heels are about 6 inches tall
and nude in colour.

He sure does have good taste.

I applied some makeup, fixed my hair and sprayed
some perfume on my wrists and neck.At exact fam the bell rings. I opened the door and
there stands Taehyung looking gorgeous. He hands me a bouquet along with some chocolate.

I don't understand why he is doing this. Buying me
things, showing up with flowers and chocolates.

"You look stunning" he said after staring at me for a
few seconds drawing a smile on my face from his
sweet words

"Thank you for your gift. You didn't need to do that
and you look handsome" I replied before putting
away the flowers and the chocolate and inviting him

"You didn't put on the watch" he said noticing my
bare wrist

"I was just about to before you came" I replied and
went to my room to retrieve it.

Taking the expensive looking Watch in my hands,
it feels almost nostalgic. The familiarity of it invokes
some hidden feelings in me that I can't recognize.I take it to the living room where Taehyung is sitting
since I couldn't clapse it myself.

"Can you help me with putting it on?" I asked

"Of course" he replied taking the watch from my
hand before taking my hand in his and putting the
watch on my wrist. His rough fingers feel soft
against my skin. His touch drew a shiver from my

He stares at my wrist with soft eyes and an
unfamiliar expression on his face before snapping
out of it and leading me towards the door.

I locked the door and he leads me towards his
Lamborghini with a hand on my back. He opens the door for me and I internally swoon at his
gentlemanly behaviour while externally I just thanked him.

"So with whom are we meeting?" I asked when he
starts driving.

"Nothing you need to worry about" he replied with
a mischievous smile on his face that screams trouble.And I suddenly felt scared for myself.

We entered the restaurant where we are supposed
to be meeting the clients. The hotel looks exquisite and classy. Taehyung leads me towards the reception where a middle aged man stands along with a girl who looks a little older than me, probably the receptionist.

"Welcome Mr. Kim. We have, prepared the
rooftop for you as per your wishes." he said with a smile and the receptionist leads us to the rooftop.

"A waiter will be with you in a minute" she said
before leaving us alone.

Looking around the area, I noticed a few things.
The decoration is romantic and not suitable for a
formal meeting.

The rooftop is completely empty.
Romantic music plays through the speakers.
There is only one table and only two chairs.
Overall it looks like a set up for a date.
The butterflies in my stomach go wild and my heart
flutters in my chest.
Suddenly everything makes sense.I looked at the man standing beside me who is rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"So where are the clients?" I asked him with my
arms crossed

"Perhaps they are late" he lied choosing to continue
pretending even though it is of no use.

He pulls out a chair for me before taking his seat
across from me.

"You know you are supposed to ask before bringing a girl to a date" I informed him

"I didn't wanted to give you a chance to reject me" he admitted

"What makes you think I would have?" I asked

"Because it would have been 'unprofessional"? no?"
He replied

"And What makes you think I wouldn't just leave?" I
asked even though I am not gonna actually leave

"Because you want to be here and you didn't bring
your car" he smirked making me roll my eyes"Fine. But I am just here for the food." and because
I like you

"Sure" he replied like he doesn't believe me.

Just as I am about to reply a young waiter comes
interrupting our conversation.

"What would you like to have sir and mam?" he asked but his eyes lingers on me from time to time.

"What would you like love?" Taehyung asked me instead

"Can you order for me?" I asked since I have no
idea what to order

"Of course" he smiles before looking back at the waiter with a cold gaze

He ordered our food and a few minutes later the waiter came back with our food and wine

He places our food in front of us and starts to fill our glasses with wine.

His gaze still lingers on me making me feel uncomfortable. Due to which he filled Taehyung's cup over the rim. "Enough" he finally snapped and with that all hell breaks loose.

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