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Jennie's pov

I can't stop thinking about him as I lay on the bed that night. His voice. His touch, his kiss everything about him feels so right.

The kiss was sensational and I felt sparks when his
lips met mine. His lips felt soft and they moved against mine perfectly like it was meant to be.

The kiss was everything I would have hoped for in a first kiss. It was perfect.

My parents home-schooled me after the accident and only since joining college had I been out of my house without my parents or brother.

On a couple of dates during college before but
none of them felt right. None of them felt like giving
my first kiss to. I felt the need to save it for someone.

Someone like Taehyung.

Taehyung felt right from the very first moment. The only thing wrong about this is that he is my boss and I on the other hand am a mere intern.

Taking my phone I texted Tae

Me: I enjoyed today

Tae: does that mean I can take you out again?

Me: I don't know about that
I sighed before typing something that is really
bothering me

Me: you are the boss Tae and I am just an intern people will say horrible things

Tae: should I fire you them?

Tae: listen other people don't matter. What matters is if you are happy.

I really like you and I would really want you to give
me a chance instead of letting others affect your

My heart skipped a beat. I am starting to like him too.

Maybe I should allow myself to be selfish before I
lose my chance at happiness and my chance at him

Me: I like you too. Maybe I'll let you take me out again as long as you ask this time

I wait a few minutes for a reply and just when I was about to go to sleep did my phone pinged

Tae: come to my office as soon as you come to work Tomorrow

Standing out of his office. My hands automatically
move to fix my hair. I was feeling pretty confident
and hot in my outfit today until I was standing in front of his door. He makes me nervous. Is this what liking someone feels like?I knocked Twice on the door, opening it when a deep
come in comes from inside making my heart race
at the sound of his deep voice rich with a hint of a
Korean accent.

I entered his office and noticed a man sitting across
from Tae probably a couple years older than him.

He looks rugged and dangerous just like kook. His
blue eyes were a contrast to the rest of his rough
features. A cigarette was resting in between his lips.

I looked at Taehyung and he gestured for me to stand beside him

"Angel, this is Jungkook. He is my friend" I offered him
a handshake only for him to kiss the back of my hand with a mischievous smirk on his face. Which quickly disappeared when Taehyung glared at him.

"Behave Jungkook" he said in a deadly voice

"Alright I will behave" he said raising his hands in surrender "I will talk to you later. It was good to see you Jennie, I hope we will meet again" he said leaving us alone. I wonder how he knew my name. Maybe Taehyung told him.His hands draped around my waist pulling me into his lap before kissing me. This kiss is different from the one we shared before. This one is desperate. More passionate. The previous kiss was soft but this one is more rough and demanding. His one hand squeezes my waist while the other rests on the back of my head.

He pulls away after a few seconds leaving me
wanting more.

"What was that for?" I asked breathing heavily

"Just wanted to taste your lips again. You got me
addicted Jennie" he said tracing my bottom lip with his index finger.

"You look beautiful" he said tucking a piece of hair
behind my ear.

"Thank you." I said averting my eyes shyly

"Have lunch with me today?" He asked


"One more thing." He said handing me some papers
after lifting me up from his lap and setting me on the table instead "study this deal. You are gonna attend a meeting with me and draft a contract in their presence"

"I don't want you to give me these opportunities just
because you like me kook" I told him"I am letting you do this because you are talented and ambitious more than anything. Besides you are an intern, it will help you learn" he said tilting my chin upwards to look into his eyes. His eyes which shone with the truth.

"Okay." I nodded

"May I leave now?" I asked

"No," he said

He stood before my legs kissing me again.

"Now you may"


We had our lunch in his office chatting about random things. I told him about my parent's death and it felt nice to talk about it.

In return, he told me about how his mother
abandoned and abused him and I shed a few tears.

I don't understand how a mother can do this to their
child. I gave him a tight hug to make him feel better.

It seems that in this short period, we have grown an
understanding to each other.

I also read the papers he gave me and got to know that he is making collaboration with Kim enterprise for a hotel chain.
We are right now waiting in the meeting room for
them to arrive.

A few seconds later The door opened and in walked
Taehyung's assistant along with three men.

One of them is older in age, while the other two who
seem to be his sons looked a little older than Tae.

They looked oddly familiar. Just then I remembered
that where I saw the older one.

"You," I said before realizing who I am talking to.

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