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Flashback ~

(Jennie-8years old , Taehyung-10years old)

"Papa! I am getting married today will you give
me away?" Little Jennie asked running inside her
father's office.

"Princess, didn't I tell you that you can't marry?" Leo said staring at her daughter with amusement

"Can't we make an exception for my groom?" she
said with her irresistible puppy dog eyes that can
melt anyone's heart in this world

"It depends on who is your groom" Leo declared
already knowing who had stolen his daughter's little

"Taehyung. Who else will I marry" Jennie said sassily with her hands on her hips. eight years old but she already had such a fierce attitude

"Alright we will make a compromise for him just
because he loves you" Leo relented after pretending to think for a moment
Overjoyed Jennie ran out of her father's office
after giving him a hug and went towards the kitchen
where she knew she will find her mother.

"Mama I am getting married. Can you get me ready"
Jennie excitedly asked her mother who was making cookies.

"My baby is getting so big Already getting married."
Lilia said smiling at her daughter "of course I will
make you look like a princess. “ Lilia said kissing her daughter's head before she ran away again, this time searching for her big brothers who she found in the living room.

"Jin you are gonna be my maid of honour and Suga you are gonna be the groomsmen at my
wedding with Tae today" Jennie commanded.

"Who said you are marrying him?" Suga asked with
a frown marring his face"I did" Jennie said stomping her foot  "and you are not gonna stop me. Or I won't talk to you both
forever" she let out when she saw her brothers
about to argue.

Finally, she went to the guest room where Taehyung and his father were staying.

"Uncle Joshua. Can I ask for your son's hand in
marriage?" She asked without glancing at Taehyung who was staring in disbelief at his angel from the corner of the room "of course little one. You can keep him." Joshua Kim said with amusement in his voice not objecting to the childish act his heart melting for the couple who found love so young.

"Can you be the priest?" she asked innocently and
Joshua nodded softly

"Wait you didn't ask me," Taehyung asked with a frown on his face

"Are you gonna say no?" Jennie asked turning
towards him with a pout on her lips

"Of course not angel" Taehyung rushed out seeing her upset face" Great. Be there in the backyard in one hour" she
said before skipping towards the door, leaving behind a smiling nico and his amused father.

1 hour later she is walking toward her groom in a
beautiful white dress with her hand in her father's.

"Take care of my little cat" Leo whispered in Taehyung's ear so that no one else hears before handing him his daughter."You look pretty" Taehyung whispered in her ear causing her cheeks to redden adorably

"Today we are gathered here to witness this holy
matrimony" Joshua started and that's how the whole
'ceremony' went. With both of them exchanging I love yous as vows, marking each other's fingers with the sharpie for rings and ending it with a little peck which both her brothers grumbled about but it's safe to say that even their overprotective hearts weren't immune to the cuteness of this couple. The fake wedding left smiles on all their faces and assurance for the future ahead in their minds.

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