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Taehyung's pov

I woke up to the sound of whimpers.

Looking beside me I saw a distressed-looking Jennie.

Shit she is having a nightmare again

"Baby wake up," I said softly patting her cheeks.

Instead of waking up, her actions turned wild as she
clawed at her neck. "Shit love wake up please," I said a little louder as she thrashes frantically.

Oh god.

Not wanting her to hurt herself, I straddled her waist
and pinned her arms above her head. I watched
patiently as Jennie flails in my arms waiting for her
to open her beautiful eyes. And she does after a few minutes. Her breathing is erratic and her skin is slicked with sweat.

It's been a week since I killed Bang Pd in the hospital but these random nightmares of her make me want to bring him back to life and kill him again.

Focusing back on Jennie I just hugged her as she cries in my arms, occasionally kissing her head."I... Can you do something for me Taetae?" she asked mebafter a few minutes

"Anything baby" I replied without hesitation

"Touch me." She said, stunning me to silence. Pulling
myself together, I answered "Jennie love , you are
vulnerable right now and you are still healing. You will regret it later" Jennie has recovered and we have
made progress on her knee but she can't move it

"I can never regret it and I am okay” she replied,
gripping my head so I am looking at her and all I see in her eyes is certainity "only you can take their
touch away Taetae. please." she continued, her voice
coming out vulnerable

"Okay" I sighed as I kissed her lips.

The kiss is filled with love and passion and
everything sweet. Her lips moved against mine in
desperation and soon the kiss which started sweet
turned rough as I bit her bottom lip before entering
my tongue in her mouth. Her tongue moulded with
mine beautifully as they engaged in a beautiful dance.Pulling back after a couple of minutes, I looked at her swollen lips that are parted as she pants.

"Before we do anything, I want you to know that I
haven't done this before," I said as my cheeks heated up. Not because I am embarrassed of being a virgin, god knows I am damn proud of being hers and hers only, but because I am nervous of her reaction.

"Why?" She asked lowly, her face twisting into an
unknown expression

"Why would I do it with anyone else when you exist?
I am only yours and I have always been only yours" I replied honestly

"What is it?" I asked waiting in anticipation for her

"I...you saved youself for me but I couldn't do the
same. I didn't meant to but I didn't have a choice. I am
so so sorry. " She turned her head away from me.

Softly cupping her face, I made her look at my eyes

"It's okay love. You didn't have a choice and even if
you did, I wouldn't hold it against you. It doesn't matter, what matters is that I am gonna be your last" I told her, running my fingers against her cheek and she nodded, her eyes filled with emotions."Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked one
more time, seeking her permission

"I have never been more sure about anything"
she answered as I unbuttoned my shirt that she is

She isn't wearing anything except her panties under it so her upper body is bare to me.

I admired her body, running my hands on her heated skin. Her body is carved by gods and her scars fold the story of her survival. Slowly I kissed her neck, softly biting at the skin and soothing the sting with my touch as a soft sound escapes her mouth. I ran my finger at a small scar right above her breasts.

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