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Taehyung's pov

"It seems he has been running brothels behind our
back" Jungkook informed me as I sat across from him
in my office in our mafia base here looking through
the files trying to contain my anger

We have found one of Bang Pd's consiglieres and Jungkook was extracting information from him. Turns out he was running brothels behind our back.

"Did you know who all touched or hurt her?“ I asked him. This person was one of the members of Bang Pd's inner circle and have all the crucial information so he must know everything about it.

"There are a total of twenty of them. Thirteen of
them did more than just hurt her physically" he
mumbled before passing me down the file of all the
offenders containing their photos along with their
alleged crime.

"Do you want to kill him yourself?" He asked after a
few minutes

"Send him to her family as a gift and tell them what
he did. They will make sure to give him what he
deserves" I said and he nodded before leaving me

Taking out the pages from the file I pinned all twenty of them to the board beside me before taking out a red marker from my drawer and crossing out the faces of two of themThe one that threw her outside the hospital and the
consigliere who is gonna die soon enough. Staring at
all the other photos, I think of all the different ways I am gonna torture and kill them one by one and then I will kill Bang Pd the last. When he will be so absorbed with fear that he will be dying inside every day.

My phone rings from where it is on the table in front of me, bringing me out of my dark thoughts.

Looking at the screen I am fairly surprised as I saw the photo I clicked of Jennie when she was laughing and the 'my love 💓' displayed on the screen.

She hasn't said one word to me after that night though we have crossed paths a few times. Whenever I look at her eyes, I can see hurt in them and it stabs me in the heart

"Jennie?" I said picking up the call excited and
nervous at the same time.

"Tae! Someone broke into my house" her shaky
voice came through the phone and I instantly got up to walk out to reach her as soon as I can.

"Where are you right now?" I asked as I gestured
for Jungkook to come with me.

"I am outside my apartment right now. I just came
home from work and found my apartment trashed.
I am really scared Tae" she explained and I took a
sigh of relief thanking god that she wasn't there when they broke in."I will be there soon. For now, stay where you are.
I will call your guards to get you out of there" I said
gesturing for Jungkook to call her security team.

"You have guards on me" she said in disbelief

"We are in the mafia angel, we got enemies" I answered

"Don't be scared love. I won't let anything happen to
you" I said hoping she would believe me.

"I know" she said and my heart warmed

"Just wait for a while. I Love You". I said before
hanging up and rushing towards the familiar path.


"She is in the car boss. She is really shaken up" the
head of her security team said as soon as I arrived
in front of the building.

I nodded before going towards the SUV. Walking
towards the car, I opened the door only to see a
sleeping Jennie with Kuma sitting beside her, growling
at me when he saw me approaching. Jennie was startled awake because of the noise, her
hand going towards the faser she had kept behind
her before her eyes settled on me and her posture

"Come here my love" I said gently taking her in my
arms. Feeling her against me after so long is oddly
calming. Her sweet smell filled my nostrils and I took
a deep breath taking as much of her scent as I can.

"You are here. I was so scared" she said nuzzling
her head against my chest.

"I will always be here. I won't go away even if you tell me to" I whispered in her ear fucking a strand of her hair behind her ear

"It will be safe for you to stay with me for now. Are you okay with it?" I asked her, waiting in anticipation as she stayed silent for a moment.
She slowly nodded

"Can we talk about everything after going home?" She asked and I nodded hesitantly.

I am nervous about it. She can decide that she doesn't want to be with me after experiencing the dangers of this life.

Getting in the car I started to drive toward my
penthouse"Can we stop by the store on the way?" she said
from where she sat on the passenger side

"Tell me what you want, I will get it for you"

"I am on my period. I need some tampons" she said

"Okay. I will get it" I said parking near the store

"Wait for me here" a dumbfounded expression pulled on her face. I think she was expecting me to shy away but periods are completely natural and getting some tampons for my girl doesn't makes me less masculine.

Entering the store I walked towards the hygiene aisle, I picked up a few boxes of tampons. I searched on my phone about the things that can make girls feel better during their period before I picked some chocolates and candies along with a heating pad hoping it will help if she had pain and make her feel better.

Paying for it, I walked back to the car handing her
the bag. I watch as she smiles after opening the bag
before whispering a thank you to me."This will be your room" I said showing her the guest room. Although I want her to stay in my room. I know she will be more comfortable here after the events of the last few day.

"The guards will get your stuff from hour house

"When I joked about moving in, I didn't know it was
actually gonna happen" she said causing a laugh to
escape my lips

"You can freshen up while I make you something to
eat" I said leaving her alone and walking towards the kitchen to cook her something quick

About fifteen minutes later, I am plating the
sandwiches into two plates as Jennie walks in taking
her seat on the bar stools. I put the plate in front of
her taking a seat beside her.

I can feel her occasional glances at me throughout
our lunch before she finally decides to say something when we both finished.

"So we knew each other from childhood" she blurted out causing me to stiffen and slowly turn towards her.

I guess it's time to have the conversation I thought

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