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Jennie's pov

The bell ringing made us pull out of the make-out
session which included lots of kisses, lots of touching
and a hickey on my neck matching the one I
drunkenly gave Tae before.

Both of our cheeks are flushed and our breaths
ragged as I got up from his lap and on my own feet
before fixing my hair and dress to go and open the
door for either Minho or my newly found family
while Tae went to the bathroom to probably take
care of his hard on.

I slept for three hours after coming back before
waking up to get ready for dinner. Tae's maid that I didn't know he had since he mostly made food for us himself, prepared the dinner for us.

I don't know how we ended up in this position with
me straddling and grinding on him and his mouth on
my neck and hands under my dress touching me

I was wearing a satin dress in Taehyung's favourite colour purple which ends on my thighs matching the Violet button-up with black tshirt that Kook was wearing. The dress was low cut and showed a little bit of cleavage and my shoulders. Probably being the reason for our position before the doorbell rang.Opening the door I am greeted with my big brother's

"Hi baby sister" he said hugging me.

"Hi Minho," I said hugging him back feeling safe in his
arms "come in" I invited him inside

I looked back at him to see his face sporting a
grimace and his gaze fixed on my neck causing my
cheeks to heat up and I excused myself to hide the
hickey my boyfriend left. After applying some make
up, I went back outside to see Tae and Minho in an

"What are you two fighting over?" I asked
interrupting them

"I want you to come live with me instead" Minho said
making a frown appear on my face

"You can't protect her" Tae interrupted

"I can very well do. I protected her for nine years
and I can do it now"

"Protecting her from pesky boys is different from
protecting her from mafia men, especially the one
that kidnapped her before," Tae said causing my
eyes to widen before he realised what he said"You didn't tell me that" I said in a shaky voice. The
mention of the monsters from my past are enough to scare me even when I don't remember them.

"Don't worry about it love. We won't let them get
to you again" Tae said rubbing my back trying to
get me to calm down from the panic attack that is
approaching. It's getting harder to breath and my
vision is turning blurry "Breathe" He hugged me and I tried to match my breathing with his. Several minutes later my breathing is back to normal.

He kissed my damp cheeks catching my tears on his
lips. "You are okay" he reassured me and I looked
up to see five other faces except for Minho in the
room. I felt a bit embarrassed that they witnessed it.

"Jennie. I know you don't know us but I promise we
won't let them take you again. We made the mistake
once but we learned from it" Jin, my eldest
brother said with a somber expression on his face
that looks so much like mine.

"Oh, my baby" the woman who I know is my
biological mother, said embracing me in a motherly
hug. Her rose scent gave me a sense of tranquillity.She pulls away smiling at me with tears running down her face. "I missed you so much" she said

"Princess. It's nice to see you again" my father
hugged me followed by Suga doing the same.

I don't know what to feel. I didn't remember them
but it feels like I have known them forever and I
feel like I am betraying those who adopted me by
accepting them so quickly. I looked over at Minho only
to see his fists are clenched and I understand how
he must be feeling. I felt guilt creeping up my spine
especially since I didn't think about how he must feel
before inviting him here.

"Jennie. This is my father, Joshua" Tae said
introducing me to the man standing quietly at the far
end. He looked emotionlessly at me before nodding
and extending his hand for a handshake

"Good evening Mr. Kim. It's a pleasure to meet
you" I greeted him politely shaking his hand

"Call me Joshua. You have always been like a
daughter to me" he said smiling the same smile as Tae"Who is this?" Jin asked looking at Minho raising an eyebrow

"This is my brother Minho." I introduced him but
they just stared at each other and the tension is
suffocating me right now.

"I am grateful to you and your parents for taking
care of her for so many years," my mother said
breaking through the tension and passed him a smile

"She is my sister. Of course I will take care of her"
Bam said in a clipped tone and I just held his hand to try to stop him from provoking them.

"Adoptive sister you mean" muttered Suga quietly
but everyone heard and Minho is just about to punch
him in the face but I got in between them before a
fight started

"Suga he may be my adoptive brother but he is just
as much my brother as you both are. Actually, He is
the only brother I remember for now" I said before Minho could, realising how much of a low blow it is when hurt takes over his and Jin face"I didn't mean it like that I am sorry" I said quickly

"It's alright," Jin said shaking his head

"How about we have dinner" Tae said trying to divert their attention and they agree.

We take our seats in the dining room and the maid
served us before leaving. The tension still hanging in
the room.

"I heard you are studying to be a lawyer," Leo
asked after a few seconds of silence and I nodded

"Yeah. That's what I always wanted to do" I said

"I just wanted to say that I am proud of the women
you became even though I may not have any hand in
it" he said and I felt giddiness taking over me And that's how our evening went with small talks,
some snide comments here and there and the three
of my brothers and my father siding together against Tae sometime when they noticed the hickey
on Tae's neck which he didn't even bother to hide, his father only smirking at his son. I don't know what to make out of this dinner but it was nice except for the rocky start. I feel a lot closer to my family and Joshua was also nice even though he may haven't talked much. Minho and my late parents will always have a special
place in my heart but I may accept my new family
eventually. what happened wasn't their fault and they
shouldn't be punished for it.

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