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Taehyung's pov

She collapsed.

"Fuck. Baby wake up please." I cursed looking up
only to see Leo fighting Bang Pd while my men are taking care of the remaining guards. Jihyo had the guard who was holding her in a chokehold and Jungkook and his team are still outside the warehouse keeping an eye if someone tried to run away.

"Go I will be there as soon as I take care of it" Leo shouted

"Dk. Tell them to get a car ready in front of the
warehouse ASAP" I said in the earpiece, picking an
unconscious Jennie in my arms and running out of
the warehouse knowing Leo and the others will be fine.

Outside the warehouse, I saw Jungkook waiting

"I want Bang Pd and anyone else who hurt Jennie
is still breathing in the dungeons" I ordered him,
running towards the car waiting for me " your sister is okay" I called out knowing he is worried for her I take my seat at the back with Jennie's head on my lap."Drive towards the hospital. Fast" I ordered the
driver who nodded and drove as fast as he could.

I looked down at my hands that are red with her
blood and her skin that is tainted with new scars. My heart hurt for her. She is the purest soul I have ever known but god decided to give her the most pain just because of the people who love her.

For the first time in my life, I prayed
I prayed to god to take all her pain.
I prayed to him to keep her alive.
I prayed to him to let her be happy without any
suffering for once.

I occasionally checked her pulse just to make sure
she is still with me and felt relief and anxiety at the
same time when my fingers found her low pulse.

"Please be okay angel" I whispered in her ear and
kissed her forehead "I will die if anything happened
to you" I said as a tear trailed down my eye hitting
her cheek

"We are here boss" the driver interrupted parking
in front of the hospital which is owned by me. I
picked her up and placed her on the stretcher as
several doctors and nurses came to assist her, taking her to the operation room."You can't enter the O.R Mr. Kim" a nurse said
stopping me from entering the O.R

"The fuck I can't" I muttered ready to push my way
through before Leo who just arrived pushed me

"Let them do their work son" he muttered eyeing the
door where his daughter was taken too.

I took a deep breath

"She better not die" I threatened the nurse in a
deadly voice and she nodded along with a shaky "yes sir"

I slumped down on a bench with Leo doing the
same beside me. His expression is solemn and He is
wearing black clothes that are probably drenched
with his enemy's blood while mine is drenched with
his daughters.

"She'll be okay. She is strong and she is a survivor"
he assured me and himself and I am reminded of
her past of how she survived after being raped and abused for two years.She is strong and she is a survivor
Yeah, she is.

I'll be here to support her this time. In any way, I can and we will heal together. I just hope she is strong enough to pull through this.

"I hope so" I answered Leo

Two and a half hours later and we are still sitting
here waiting for the doctor to come out. Lilia had
fallen asleep next to Leo after sobbing for an hour.

Jin and Suga just arrived. The former is right
now pacing while the latter is lost in his own world
thinking god knows what. Jihyo is sitting on another bench stress eating after being patched up.

Minho and his girlfriend Jisoo are also here with Jisoo comforting a shaken up Minho who just yelled at me for several minutes for endangering Jennie. I know it's partially my fault but Jennie was born into this. There is no way to keep her away.

"Here" a coffee appears in front of me and I take
it from Jungkook gratefully, still staring anxiously at
the operation theatre door wanting to know what is
happening.A few minutes later, the door opened and a doctor
came out causing everyone to spring up. His
expression is unreadable and my heartbeat fastens
at that.

Please be okay. Please be alive

"Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim " He said professionally although fear seeps through his voice
"Her condition is stable," he said and I let out a sigh of relief before I sensed a huge but coming.

"But?" I murmured

Hesitantly he started "she had a few cuts from glass and knife and some of them may scar. She lost a lot of blood so she will be weak for a few weeks and..." He stopped before continuing reluctantly "her knee cap is fractured. She will need physiotherapy but there are only 50 per cent chances that she will be able to walk again"

My heart shattered.

I fisted my hands, wanting to go to the dungeon and
strangle Bang Pd to death along with that fucker who shattered her knee cap from what Jihyo told us.

"Can we see her?" I asked him.

"She will be awake in about 11-12 hours but you can
see her only two at a time." He answered "but there
is something else," said and I groaned. What else?"The event can cause trauma and PTSD so it would
be best to enrol her for therapy. And she'll need
all the love she can get" he said and I nodded.

Seeing her previous tormentors might have been so
traumatic for her. I can only guess how bad her
mental condition will be.

"Good luck," he said leaving us alone

"You can go see her first son. We will give you
privacy" Leo said patting my back and I nodded
gratefully at him before entering her room.

My eyes sting at the sight. So many wires are hooked to her. Her skin is pale and her radiance is missing.

I sat on the chair beside her bed. She looks almost
dead. Taking her hand in mine I brought my lips to her palm, brushing them against her knuckles.

"Hi my love" I whispered, removing her hair from
her pale face "you had been so strong all your life
but don't worry, I will fight for you from now on"

"I love you" I kissed her forehead
"It will be a long road to healing but we are in this
together. I will always hold your hand and guide you.
Come back to me please "I pecked her lips letting
silent tears fall from my eyes.

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