8. Shut Down

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The group finished filming the video at nine that evening. The beta boys invited Filly and Harry to the house that night, considering they had no other errands left. They agreed gratefully.

Due to there being seven of them, the car would have to take two trips back to the house. Chunkz, Filly, and Harry all took the car that was already parked outside due to already having some food from the buffet table. The driver set off, taking them to the house while the others stayed inside.
The other four stayed behind to have some food and waited for the car to return.

"So, you think we should invite them over more often?" Sharky asked, referring to Filly and Harry.

"Yeah, why not?" Niko replied, shrugging. "They're cool, and it's always good to have more people around."

As they continued to eat, Aj glanced over at Niko, noticing the way he seemed to relax whenever Aj touched him. It was something he'd never really thought about before, but now that he did, it made him wonder if maybe he had been avoiding touching Niko the most out of the group. He started to feel guilty about their big argument over Niko avoiding Aj. He was starting to understand how upset he must have made his friend feel.

Meanwhile, Sharky couldn't help but feel a little envious of the connection between Aj and Niko. He wished he could have something like that with Kenny, but it always seemed like Kenny was more interested in him as a friend than anything romantic. He couldn't help but wonder if maybe there was something he was doing wrong or if it was just the way Kenny was.

As they finished eating, the car returned for the four members. They all filed into the seven-seater car; Niko and Aj sat together in the back seats, while Sharky and Kenny sat in the middle section, a seat between them both.

In the back, Aj was trying his hardest to stay awake, his head constantly rocking to the side, where he would immediately open his eyes.
Niko noticed his efforts and chuckled at the sight. Aj looked up, pouting at the taller man.

"What? I'm tired."

Aj protested half-heartedly as Niko continued to gently brush his hair away from his face. The other passengers in the car seemed to be oblivious to the intimate moment happening in the backseat, but Niko and Aj were lost in their own world. Aj leaned further into Niko's touch, his eyes slowly beginning to close.

Niko guided the head of curls to rest on his shoulder. Aj glanced up at Niko one last time before his eyes shut fully. Niko held his breath from the excitement as he tried to discreetly exhale.

Sharky glanced back at them from his seat in the middle row, unable to help but smile at the scene before him. He had always known that there was something special between Niko and Aj, even if they had never admitted it out loud. It was clear that they cared deeply for each other, even if they didn't always show it in the most obvious ways.

Aj's breathing began to even out, and his body relaxed against Niko's shoulder. The taller man continued to gently run his fingers through Aj's hair, occasionally brushing away a stray strand that had come loose from the bunch. The rhythmic motion was soothing, almost hypnotic, and it was easy to see why Aj had fallen asleep so quickly.

Sharky glanced back at them, his heart warming at the sight. He could only imagine how it must feel to have someone care about you so much that they would take the time to comfort you like that. Even though they were in a car full of people, it was clear that Niko and Aj were in their own little world.

Little bit of a shorter chapter this time. How are we feeling about the storyline?
Any changes you want making?
Also who else misses the blonde in Aj's hair?
Because I defo do
Anyways thank you all again and I'm already working on next chapter ;)
- B🎧

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