18. Tired

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Aj was awoken the next day to sounds of loud laughter. He sat up, startled, looking around to spot Chunks sitting in his bed.

"I was just about to send a message for them to keep quiet downstairs." Chunkz sighed.

Aj reached for his phone and checked the time. It was now just gone 12 p.m. the next day, meaning that he had slept around twenty hours. He felt disoriented and awfully confused.

Loud giggling filled the house once again. Aj didn't recognise the laugh. He turned to Chunkz, who avoided his gaze. At the same time, he realised just how hungry he felt. It was to the point that he was feeling sick.

"Hey, I'm gonna head downstairs and grab something to eat. Want anything?" Aj asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Chunkz shot out of the bed. "Hey man, I'll go. Don't worry."

Aj stood up, stretched, and started getting dressed, ignoring his friend's odd behaviour. "It's alright; I feel like I need to do something."

Aj looked over at Chunkz, still a little confused. His friend was acting so weirdly. There was definitely something going on that he wasn't quite catching onto.

"Look Aje. I want to pre-warn you about something," Chunkz started, looking down at the floor. Aj paused in his dressing, cocking his head to the side.

"What's up?" he asked, walking over to his friend.

Chunkz looked up at Aj with a serious expression. "So, yesterday, Niko came by to talk to us, but you were asleep."

Aj's eyes widened. "What? Why didn't you wake me?"

Chunkz shrugged uncomfortably. "Well, I thought you needed your sleep and all. But anyway, I don't think you would have wanted to hear what he had to say either."

"Why? What did he have to say?" Aj demanded, feeling a cold sweat break out on his back.

"He came to ask if it would be okay to invite the girl he met at the party over. Today."

Aj felt a cold chill run down his spine. Niko had invited a girl over. A girl whom Aj had never met before. A girl who wasn't Aj. He felt a sudden surge of anger and jealousy rise up within him. He looked at Chunkz, who seemed to be struggling with how to continue.

"You didn't tell him yes, did you?" Aj asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Chunkz shook his head. "No, but I said it was up to him. I hate what he's doing, but I can't control him."

It then dawned on Aj that the reason he had been woken up was because of the pair downstairs. He glanced over at Chunkz, noticing he was looking rather sheepish.

"Ok. I'm not bothered. I'm going to get some food." Aj walked past Chunkz, opening the door, and headed down the stairs. He made it down the stairs and rounded the corner. He could see the two sitting on the sofa across the house in the living room.

They were sitting very close and whispering to each other. Aj thought it was ironic that they were being quiet now. He scoffed lightly and stepped into the kitchen, Chunkz following behind.

"So, what's for breakfast?" Aj asked, trying to sound casual.

Chunks glanced at him, then back at Niko and the girl. "Uh, I think I'll just have some cereal," he muttered, turning to the cupboard.

Aj watched as Chunkz rummaged through the cupboard, trying to keep an eye on Niko and the girl at the same time. He felt a strange mixture of anger, jealousy, and confusion coursing through him. He tried to remind himself that he had no claim on Niko or this girl, but it was difficult to shake off the feeling that something important was being taken away from him.

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