20. Please

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Aj became suddenly aware of the others that were in the room next to them. They were in the kitchen, and anyone could walk in at any moment. He bit down hard on his lip, feeling the pain shoot through him as Niko's fingers dug into his hip. The sting only served to heighten the sensations coursing through his body. He pushed Niko's shoulders back.

"Niko, stop," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. His heart raced as Niko leaned in, their lips brushing against each other before he pulled back. "Someone could walk in here."

Niko's eyes flickered to the doorway before returning to Aj. He swallowed hard, his chest heaving. "Yeah, okay." He took a step back, his hands moving to Aj's waist and gently guiding him down from the counter. "Come on, let's..." He trailed off, not quite sure what to say or do next. The tension between them was thick.

Aj's heart raced as he followed Niko, his steps slow and hesitant. He didn't want to go up to Niko's room. Not right now. He didn't want to pretend like everything was okay. But he didn't want to lose him again either. It felt like they were stuck in this endless cycle of hurt and anger.

They got to the top of the stairs, where Niko stopped and leaned back in to kiss Aj. They were rough with each other. Aj backed the other up until they hit the door. Niko's hand flew down to find the door handle and opened it, pulling them both through without detaching.

Aj found himself pressed up against the other side of the closed door. He could feel the wood digging into his back, but no part of his body was willing to make the move to stop. Niko's lips found Aj's again, their kisses rough and desperate. Aj could taste the anger and frustration on Niko's tongue, a bitter flavour that only seemed to fuel the fire between them.

"You really are the worst thing to ever happen to me. I mean that." Niko spoke as he bit at the shorter man's jaw. He tapped his thighs. Aj took the hint and jumped, so his legs wrapped around Niko's waist.

"And I hate you; I hate everything you stand for, every fibre of your being." Aj spat, his body moving restlessly against Niko. Niko moaned and bit at the skin beneath Aj's earlobe, leaving a stinging mark. He slid his hands down to grip Aj's ass, pulling him harder against his body.

They stumbled through the room, their lips locked in a savage kiss as they fought for dominance. Aj's fingers tangled in Niko's hair, tugging roughly as he tried to get closer. He straightened his back, pressing his chest against Niko's.

Aj found himself being laid down on the bed. Niko's weight pressed down on his chest, his hips moving in a slow, sensual rhythm against Aj's. He sighed, his lips finding Aj's neck, sucking and nipping at the tender skin. Aj arched his back, his hands fisting in the sheets beneath him as the pleasure coursed through his body. Niko leaned back to look at his work of art.

"You're such a manslag. I can't believe you." Aj hissed through gritted teeth as Niko's crotch slammed into his own, the friction building between their bodies becoming uncomfortable from still being fully clothed.

"You think you're so high and mighty." Niko spat. His hand reached down between their hips, giving Aj a light squeeze. "I'll leave you to deal with this yourself."

Aj cried out before biting his lip to hold on to his noises as he felt the betrayal sting even more. He grabbed at Niko's wrist, but it was useless. Niko's grip was too strong. He lifted his hips, his head falling back, trying to push the other man off, but it only seemed to make things worse. The anger coursing through his veins was replaced with a deep, aching need.

"No...no... please... Nick, please, please, please." Aj's voice was raw, his throat burning as he begged. The pleasure coursing through him was blinding and consuming, and he needed more. He wanted Niko to touch him to make him feel wanted and needed. The words tumbled out of his mouth, tripping over each other as he tried to convey the depth of his emotions.

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