32. Can I Stay?

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They spent the next hour together, trying to calm their nerves. Sharky made sure that Kenny had a glass of water and some snacks to help with his anxiety, though Kenny refused to eat anything.

"Sharky, I don't want you to tell my dad that we're dating," Kenny confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want him to use that against me or...you and I don't know; try something. He's not a good man, and I don't want you to get hurt." He gripped Sharky's hand tightly, the knuckles turning white. "I need you to promise me."

Sharky gazed into Kenny's eyes, his heart aching for the pain and fear he saw there. "I promise," he said solemnly. "Your secret is safe with me. I'll protect you, no matter what." He leaned in and kissed Kenny gently on his nose. "You're all I care about."

Time seemed to slow down as they waited for the doorbell to ring. Sharky held Kenny's hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of his knuckles in a soothing gesture. The room felt heavy with tension, as if the air itself was thick with unspoken words and unresolved issues. Every time they heard a car drive by or footsteps on the street, their hearts would leap into their throats, only to relax again when it became clear it wasn't Kenny's father.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they heard the bell ring. Kenny took a deep breath and steeled himself, forcing his knees not to shake as he walked towards the door. He opened it to reveal his father, who looked older and more weathered than he remembered. "Hello, Dad," he said, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart.

Sharky stood behind him, a reassuring presence that made Kenny feel a fraction less alone. He glanced at Sharky out of the corner of his eye, wanting to convey his gratitude through their silent connection. His father looked between the two of them, a strange expression flitting across his face, before he composed himself. "Can I come in?" he asked gruffly.

Kenny stepped aside, his heart racing, as his father walked past him into the living room. Sharky followed, taking a seat on the couch next to Kenny, making sure to leave some space between them so as not to be tempted to reach out. They sat in an uncomfortable silence for several moments as Kenny's father looked around the room, the tension in the air almost palpable. Finally, Kenny's father broke the silence. "So, who are you?" There was a bitter edge to his words, directed at Sharky, that Kenny couldn't quite ignore.

Sharky looked up at him, his expression calm and collected. "My name is Sharkmarke. I'm one of Kenny's housemates." There was something in the way he said it that made Kenny's father bristle, but he didn't react outwardly.

Nobody spoke a word as the man's eyes wandered the room. Kenny held his breath as his eyes landed on the splint on Kenny's wrist.

"How did you hurt yourself?" he asked his son finally, his voice still cold.

"An accident during my boxing training session." Kenny forced himself to meet his father's eyes. There was a brief moment where their gazes locked, and Kenny saw a flash of something in his father's eyes—maybe anger, maybe disappointment, maybe even regret. But it was gone almost as soon as it had appeared.

Sharky cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to him. "Kenny's been doing really well with his training," he said, his voice steady. "He's really dedicated."

"Well enough to sustain an injury? I don't think my son is man enough for the sport when he is walking around with that thing on his arm. Perhaps he should reconsider his choices." His father's words were like a slap in the face, and Sharky felt a surge of protectiveness towards Kenny.

Kenny's eyes widened, and he could feel the anger rising within him. He bit back a retort, knowing it wouldn't accomplish anything. Instead, he focused on Sharky, silently pleading with him to keep his promise. Sharky understood and nodded slightly, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Dad, why are you here?" Kenny asked, his voice trembling with emotion. He looked away from his father, unable to meet his gaze. His father sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair before responding.

"It's a long story, son. But I need a place to stay for a few days. I was let go of my job, and I've been staying with some friends, but they needed me out. I thought maybe you could let me crash here until I get back on my feet." There was no questioning in the request, which seemed to be more of a demand.

Kenny looked at his father, the man who had abandoned him and his mom so many years ago. He wanted to say yes, to tell him that he could stay, but the words got caught in his throat. Instead, he glanced over at Sharky, seeking guidance. Sharky nodded slightly, encouraging him to make his own decision.

His father shifted uncomfortably on his feet, his expression a mix of desperation and defiance. "Come on, Kenny. You're my son. I'm your father. You can't just turn me away."

Kenny felt a sharp pang in his heart as he looked into his father's pleading eyes. It was a familiar pain, one he had learned to live with over the years. He wanted to say yes, to tell his father that he would always be welcome, but he couldn't ignore the doubts and fears that lurked in the shadows.

"Dad," he said, his voice shaking, "I can't just let you stay here. Other people live in this house; it's not just mine, and...and..." He trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

"Kenny, I need this. If you send me away, you will regret it." His father's words hung heavy in the air, and Kenny could see the underlying threat and manipulation. Kenny had no other choice but to agree.

"Fine," he said, forcing the words out. "You can stay." His father's expression flashed with surprise and relief, but then he quickly schooled his features into a look of gratitude. "But you're going to have to follow some rules. No drinking or smoking in the house, no fighting, and you're going to have to stay out of everyone's way and just be respectful. Understood?"

Kenny's father nodded slowly, his gaze not meeting his son's. "I understand." There was a long pause, and Kenny wondered if his father was even listening to him. "Thank you, son."

Just as Kenny was about to reconsider how much he was judging his dad, the man in question stood up, rushing to the front door, returning with two large suitcases. "Which one's my room then?"

Kenny and Sharky stood up, their eyes widening in shock that Kenny's dad had already expected him to say yes. Kenny turned around to face Sharky, looking out the window behind him, anger coursing through his body. "Fucking unbelievable." He muttered under his breath, his jaw tight.

Sharky placed a hand on Kenny's shoulder, then glanced at the man who stood behind his boyfriend. "Umar, you can stay in my room, and I'll stay in Ken's room." Umar looked surprised by the offer but didn't argue. Sharky knew if he was put in Kenny's room, he would likely do some searching through his belongings. And Sharky didn't have many personal belongings in the first place, so he wouldn't care if Umar decided to snoop.

"Thanks, my boy. Also, if you would please refrain from naming me and instead call me sir, that would be preferred. Oh, and call my son by his full first name; it's much more respectful. Thank you. Now, where do I drop off these things before I get settled into my temporary abode? And I expect a tour of the house when you have a moment, son. I want to familiarise myself with my surroundings. Just so I know what to avoid touching, if you catch my drift. Now, where do I put these bags?"

Kenny felt a surge of anger and resentment as his father spoke, but he forced himself to remain calm. Sharky held Kenny's hand outside of view of Kenny's father. "Upstairs. The first door on the left. Sir." He said it through gritted teeth, watching him leave while he stayed with his jittery boyfriend.

Kenny took a deep breath, feeling Sharky squeeze his hand in reassurance. He turned to face Sharky after he heard his father enter the bedroom upstairs. "Thanks, Sharky. I appreciate it."

Sharky smiled softly, trying to ease some of the tension on Kenny's face. "It's fine, babe. I've got your back. Now, why don't we go give him a tour of the house? That way, he can just stay in my room, and we won't have to see him. It'll be fine; we'll get through this together."

Kenny nodded, placing a lingering kiss on Sharky's cheek. Sharky held Kenny close, not saying anything when he felt Kenny's tears against his face.

Sorry about the wait, I have been on holiday as well as trying to get ready for going to uni next year.

Anyways what do you think is gonna happen with Kenny's dad?
How are we liking this plot line?

- B🎧

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