10. Hot Hate

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It was the end of the month, and they were entering their break from the schedule. Usually, the group would have booked separate holidays during this time. However, all the boys were exhausted and decided they would spend their time in the Beta Squad house.

Kenny woke up fairly early on the second day, heading downstairs to watch some old videos of theirs. Kenny loved looking back on videos to see how far they had come, and maybe to boost his ego a little. He needed it anyway.

Next up was Sharky; he walked downstairs and into the living room, rounding the couch, rubbing his eyes. Kenny looked up, surprised that he had snuck up so quietly.

"Sharky, you're up early." He said it with a warm smile on his face. The older man looked at him and nodded.

"Hey, Kenny. You sleep well?" Sharky asked as he sat down next to him on the couch.

"Yeah, I did. You?" Kenny replied, glancing at Sharky. He didn't want to make it seem like he was trying to get too close, but he couldn't help but feel a warmth in his chest whenever they were together.

Sharky nodded. "Yeah, I slept okay." He asked, his voice soft and gentle. He liked the way Kenny smiled and the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he did. It was a genuine smile, one that reached his eyes and made Sharky feel all warm inside.

Sharky was yet to wake up fully and lay his head on Kenny's shoulder. He closed his eyes, enjoying the contact and the warmth of the other man. It felt safe and comforting to be close to him like this. He breathed in deeply, trying to memorise the scent of Kenny's skin and hair. It was a familiar, comforting smell, like home.

Kenny couldn't help but notice the way Sharky was leaning against him and how he seemed to be enjoying the contact. He felt a wave of affection wash over him, a mixture of happiness and sadness. He knew that they could never be together and that their relationship was doomed to remain platonic. But somehow, in this moment, it didn't seem to matter. They could just be together.

Sharky looked up at the TV, smiling at the video Kenny was watching. It was 'Beta Squad Decide Who Wins £10,000'. To no surprise, the next scene to play out in the video was when Kenny kissed Sharky on the nose.

Kenny glanced over at Sharky, noticing his smile and the way his eyes seemed to light up when they saw the video. He felt a warmth spread through his chest, making his heart race a little.

Kenny was brave; he must be to do the things he does. That's why Sharky was only a little shocked when Kenny leaned forward, placing a kiss on his nose.

It was a gentle kiss, a soft brush of lips against skin, that sent shivers down Sharky's spine. He felt his heart skip a beat as he looked up into Kenny's eyes, seeing the sincerity and affection there.

"Nah, did you men just lips?" A startling voice came from a few feet behind the sofa.

Kenny and Sharky both jumped, their hearts racing. They turned around to see Chunkz standing there, looking at them with a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt," Chunkz said with a laugh. "But you two looked kinda cute there for a second."

"We weren't 'lipsing," Sharky air-quoted.

Kenny chuckled. "Yeah, you could say that." He shrugged, looking at Sharky. Chunkz raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by the exchange.

Sharky coughed, feeling his cheeks flush a little. "So, uh... Chunkz, what do you think we should do today?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

Chunkz grinned. "Oh, you know. Just hang out; maybe go for a walk or something. Whatever you two want to do." His eyes danced between the two men, a playful glint in them.

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