14. All For Nothing

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(Emetophobia warning)

Aj and parties often mixed like oil and water. He had never been one for the crowd, and while he appreciated the occasional night out, he much preferred quiet evenings in with friends or a good film. But tonight, he had given in to the persistent urging of his friend and now found himself standing in the middle of a crowd of people, feeling distinctly out of place.

He had arrived with Chunkz directly after Niko's hosting. It had taken a lot of courage for Aj to even leave the house after his argument with Niko, but Chunkz always had a way to persuade him.

It was a big party, with over a hundred influencers, many of whom the boys had never even heard of. Aj was being constantly greeted from the minute he entered. It was a surreal experience for him. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, dancing, drinking, and laughing. And Aj couldn't help but feel a little out of place. He much preferred intimate gatherings with close friends.

He held onto Chunkz' arm as he guided them through everyone to a table in the corner. They had one of the best tables in the venue, with sofas around it. Already seated at the table was a relatively small group consisting of Sharky, Kenny, Darkest, Harry Pinero, Johnny Carey, Filly, and Nella Rose. Aj saw no sign of Niko.

"Hey, Aj, man! You made it!" Sharky stood up to give him a warm hug. "Glad you decided to come."

Aj returned the hug, a little stiff but feeling slightly more at ease. He assumed Chunkz must have mentioned his reluctance to come.

The two new arrivals sat next to Darkest on the sofa against the back wall. Chunkz took the seat next to Darkest, leaving an escape route for Aj if needed. He was thankful for the little things his friends did.

Aj looked around the room, taking in the lively atmosphere. The music was thumping, and the dance floor was filled with people moving to the beat. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for those who seemed to be genuinely enjoying themselves.

Their table was full of conversations, but Aj couldn't find the confidence to join in on any. He was leaning against Chunkz, staring across the table. He saw Kenny and Sharky sitting across, in their own world. They shared a quick kiss. Aj's eyebrows shot up in shock as he looked around to see if anyone else saw the exchange. Everyone else was too engrossed in conversation.

If he were being completely honest, Aj wasn't as surprised as he should be. There had always been an undercurrent of tension between the two boys. He knew they had a close bond and was glad to see they weren't afraid of the prying eyes of their friends.

Aj glanced across the table at Kenny and Sharky, their bodies close together as they leaned in to speak to each other. He could feel his heart racing and his breath catching in his throat. He wanted to say something, to ask them what was going on, but he couldn't bring himself to interrupt their moment. However, something much worse interrupted.

"Lads, who's the gal Niko's with?" Darkest asks.

All heads turn towards the other side of the room. Niko, just visible through the sea of people, stood next to a girl who looked to be his age. She was pretty, Aj thought. Niko was seen leaning down to whisper something in her ear. By her reaction, Niko must have said something to make her flustered, as she hid her face in Niko's chest.

Filly and Nella squealed, pushing and pulling at each other in excitement while watching the scene unfold. Aj looked away, not wanting to watch the two interact.

"Nah, I'm proud of him, though. Our boy has got game." Filly asked, his eyes shining with fondness.

Aj's head shot up upon hearing cheers and laughter. All it took was for Aj to catch a glimpse of Niko kissing the girl for his mind and body to shut down.

Aj felt heat coursing through his blood. He wanted to feel angry after what's been going on between him and Niko throughout the week—in fact, longer. Instead, all he could feel was overwhelmingly nauseous. Mouth suddenly dry, he reached for the glass that Kenny had gotten him before he arrived, only to stop mid-way after seeing how much his hand was shaking.

In that moment, he could feel all the bodies in the establishment, as if they were all trying to steal all the oxygen he had left. He felt like the eyes of over a hundred individuals were all grazing over him, sending disgusted and judgmental thoughts into his head.

"Hey, you alright there?" Chunkz asked with a concerned expression on his face. Aj was embarrassed; he didn't want anybody to see him when he was like this, but he couldn't avoid it with how unwell he was feeling in that moment.

He shook his head, pushing off Chunkz to stand. He looked around, scanning the large room for any signs of a toilet. His hand was still shaking as he gripped his curls, tightly pulling. The room seemed to spin as he tried to find his bearings. He felt like he was in a dream, with everything moving in slow motion. Finally, he spotted a bathroom sign and made his way over to it.

The relief he felt as he closed the door behind him was instantaneous. He leaned against the sink, gulping down air as he tried to steady his nerves. His heart was racing, and his stomach was in knots. He couldn't keep it down any longer, turning and running into a stall, falling straight on his knees.

He didn't hear the door open and lock behind whoever entered. He felt the hands holding his hair out of the way as he retched into the bowl. He didn't stop until he physically couldn't continue, and his stomach was clear of anything he had eaten that day. There was a brief moment of silence before a warm hand gently rubbed his back and a tissue was guided to wipe at his face. Aj heard the toilet flush as he sat with his face in his hands.

He turned around, wrapping his arms around the body and burying his face into the man's neck.

A sob racked through the small body as he was held close.

"Shh... it's alright, it's alright..." whispered Chunkz. At the moment, Chunkz was able to offer the most comfort that no one could compete with.

Noooo Aj! My poor boy.
Screw Niko for breaking my poor boys heart.
You're in for a treat of chapters today.
I've had to split this chapter into 3 different sections as I got carried away.

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