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March 5, 1999

Thelma's Pov

TW: gore and blood

One night around 7:56 pm when I was inside watching TV in my sister Valerie's room because I didn't have one there was a knock on the door. I looked at Valerie and sighed. "i'll get it."

I sluggishly got off the bed and turned left to where the front door was. Now I was directly in front of it. "who is it!!??" I asked. "I'm here to purchase a soap!!" the person who was a male behind the door replied with a thunder in his deep voice. I found it suspicious and saw Valerie tiptoed to her room door seeing me standing there. I was about to say something.

"Can you..." "We no sell customers after Sun down!!!!" Valerie shouted with a look of disappointment and anger on her face. "Alright then," he said in a frustrated tone before walking off our property. There was a window next to the door that was in the kitchen. "Thelma you're almost 19 you can not be this retarded," Valerie whispered to me while checking if the Man was gone also seeing how he looks finally.

I did feel stupid but slept it off until morning. When everyone woke up the next day we were met with horrific news that someone got robbed last night. Witnesses said he was tall and bald. "to pussy claat nuh the man weh come last that? him a the thief to baxside." Valerie says to Kevin and I. We chilled around the backyard.

I was tense because an alleged robber was running around. "relax yourself Thelma it's broad daylight no body ago rob we." Kevin said and I was actually starting to calm down until something horrible happened. Kevin screamed out and his shirt was all bloody. Someone stabbed him several times.

I screamed but was silent when a gun was pointed at my head. "Everyone put their jewelry on the ground." The man threatened and immediately things were on the ground except Kevin's. he was unconscious and bleeding so the thief retrieved the jewelery instead. As he moved away from me I picked up a hammer near my mango tree and hit him in the back of the head knocking him out cold but that didn't stop me, I continued to bash his head in. "Dutty bomboclaat thieving bwoy." I exclaimed with the last hit to his head that was almost flat. I was all bloody and fainted due to all the strength I used.

I woke up in a hospital with Valerie next to me. "Kevin?" i said almost crying. "him dead." she reached over and touched my hand. "no!!"

marquez's Pov

New Jersey

the next day

March 6

In a classy restaurant, we had a meeting discussing business about letting a new member join. "Boss I think I found our new member." Peter a member said showing me a news report from overseas on a new paper. "Interesting but that's a woman she can't rule a mob." I laughed. "She killed a burglar with a hammer." I paused and grabbed the newspaper out of Peter's hand. "An 18-year-old girl from Jamaica survived an armed robbery by brutally killing the robber." I read and was baffled. "she's perfect. I'll find her and fly her out to New Jersey. We train her to perfection." I said staring at her picture from when she was at the hospital.

Thelma's Pov

Returning home from the hospital felt surreal. The familiar surroundings of our house now felt tainted by the memories of that dreadful night. Every corner seemed to whisper echoes of fear and loss, reminding me of what had transpired. Valerie had to go to work so I was all by myself

As I stepped through the door, a sense of unease settled over me like a dark cloud. The events of the past few days had left me shaken and vulnerable, and I couldn't shake the feeling that danger still lurked in the shadows.

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