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Marquez's POV

I went to see my private doctor, Victor, and while I was there, I told him that Julia had flown to Russia and that Cassidy wanted to work at my strip club, Jersey Heat.

"What? She can't do that, especially not while raising my son!" he exclaimed.

I chuckled and put my shirt back on since he was done with the check-up. "So why don't you help them, Victor?" I asked, already knowing the answer. When Victor and Ekaterina divorced, she told the media some shit about him and Cassidy, so if the paparazzi ever see them, it's over.

What did Ekaterina say about him? Well, she lied about some things. For example, she told the media that she had a perfect marriage and that Cassidy just came in and wrecked it. Lies. The truth is Ekaterina hired Cassidy to sleep with Victor because she's a super freak from the old days to now, and Victor loved her enough to satisfy her by screwing Cassidy while Ekaterina watched them and masturbated.

Ekaterina was a fashion designer for the show America's Next Top Model and still is, just not in America. Victor was just the husband who was a doctor.

"You don't have to explain it to me. I understand and don't worry, I'll make sure that she doesn't sleep with anyone while she's at work. I'm a man of my word."

"Thank you, Marquez," he said, almost crying.

I made that my cue to leave. I'm not in for any more emotional rollercoasters; those are for gays, and I'm not.

It's funny how all these people—Victor, Cassidy, Eugene, Derek, Peter, Julia, Valerie, and Thelma—put all their trust in me. Victor and Cassidy are followed by paparazzi, and if they ever get near them, it's a serious threat.

Eugene, I rescued him from his abusive father, giving him a purpose as a Petrov because his dad hid him from the business world. I see potential in him, and soon he'll be ready for business as the new CEO.

Derek's father, Jackie Roosi, was in an Italian mob, and my father, Abraham Gomez, was killed because he wanted his territory. The Italians had no choice but to work for him, and that's when we became friends.

Peter's Irish mother and German father owed my father, so they gave us their only son to raise as payment so they could live.

Julia. Julia, my beautiful wife. We met four years ago like I told Thelma, but it wasn't unicorns and rainbows. I had an appetite for destruction and robbed a bank in LA in 1995, the same day Dimitri was born.


We were ready to execute our plan. As we approached the target, Derek checked in with the team to ensure we were all prepared.

"Yo Derek, you ready to go get this money?" I asked."Believe that, boy," Derek replied.

"You strapped?" I inquired, double-checking our readiness.

"Yeah, you know it," Derek affirmed, confirming their armament.

"Let's go do this shit then, I got it all planned out," Derek declared, taking the lead.

"Yeah, shoot any motherfucker that moves," I added, my resolve evident.

As we entered the bank, Derek wasted no time in asserting control. "Alright everybody, this is a stick-up, everybody get face down!" he commanded, his voice booming.

"Marq, gag their mouths so they can't make a sound, tie 'em up," Derek directed, ensuring every detail was covered. I nodded, swiftly following Derek's instructions.

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