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Julia's pov

I just put the twins to bed but by the looks of it, Marquez had heated company. I didn't care to worry as I heard shots firing and shrieks from the enemy.

When I was done I grabbed my crying babies and fed them breast milk. They were calm like they weren't just crying their lungs out.

My room door flew open and I saw Thelma standing there. I don't know why she's trying to be friends when I knew deep down she wants my husband. I saw the way she kissed him and how she had him gripping her ass and smiling. I remember the resentment and jealousy that surged within me, threatening to consume me whole. But as I looked into Thelma's eyes, I saw something unexpected — a glimmer of vulnerability, a hint of fear that mirrored my own.

For a moment, the animosity between us faded away, replaced by an unspoken understanding born from the chaos and danger that surrounded us. We were both women caught in the tangled web of Marquez's world, each grappling with our desires and fears.

Thelma's voice cut through my thoughts, her words dripping with fake concern as she asked if the twins were okay. I forced a smile, nodding curtly as I held my babies close to me, a protective instinct surging through my veins.

"They're fine," I replied tersely, my tone leaving no room for further conversation. Thelma lingered in the doorway, her presence an unwelcome intrusion in my sanctuary.

I watched her carefully, noting the way she shifted uncomfortably under my gaze, a hint of guilt flickering in her eyes before she quickly masked it with a facade of indifference.

"Good," she said finally, her voice tinged with forced cheerfulness. "Well, if you need anything, you know where to find me."

She turned on her heel and disappeared down the hallway, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the weight of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air. I held my babies close, a silent vow forming in my heart to protect them from any threat, real or imagined.

I made up my mind as I tucked the blanket around my sleeping babies. Tomorrow, I would pack our bags and leave this chaotic life behind, even if just temporarily. My mother's home in Russia would offer us the safety and tranquility we so desperately needed.

The decision weighed heavily on my heart, but I knew it was the right one. I hadn't slept a decent night since the twins were born, and the constant fear and uncertainty were taking their toll on all of us. Yes, I had signed up for this lifestyle when I married a Puerto Rican gangster, but the twins didn't deserve to be caught in the crossfire of Marquez's wars.

Until then, we would stay with my mother, far away from the dangers that lurked in the shadows of Marquez's world. I would do whatever it took to protect my babies, even if it meant leaving behind the man I loved and the life we had built together.

Marquez's pov

I sat in Trench Don's living room, the air thick with tension as we awaited news from my house. Trench Don paced back and forth, his expression darkening with each passing moment of silence.

"They're probably dead," Trench Don muttered, his voice heavy with resignation. I shook my head, refusing to entertain such a grim possibility. "No," I replied firmly, "listen, I know you hate to admit it, but Thelma is a war machine. Peter told me how she could fight for her petite size and had an incredible aim. Rest in peace to your brother but she is deadly and does not play."

Trench Don's face hardened at my words, his jaw clenched in frustration. "Get out," he growled, his hand moving to the gun tucked into his waistband, "before I shoot you myself."

I chuckled, unperturbed by his threat. "Okay, Don," I said calmly, rising to my feet, "I'll leave." I made my way to the door, I couldn't shake the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Thelma's actions had undoubtedly escalated the situation, and I could only hope that my house hadn't become a battlefield in my absence. But one thing was for certain — Thelma was not to be underestimated, and I knew better than anyone just how dangerous she could be when provoked.

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