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Marquez's pov


I descended the staircase, the weight of the previous night's events still heavy on my mind, I was greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly cooked pancakes wafting through the air. The sight of Thelma and Valerie sitting at the dining table, their faces illuminated by the morning light streaming in through the windows, brought a sense of calm amidst the chaos that engulfed us.

Ms Yvonne Lopez, our loyal maid who had served our family for years, stood at the stove, a look of surprise crossing her features as she caught sight of me. Her gasp was barely audible, but it did not escape my notice. Despite her shock, she quickly composed herself, her expression shifting to one of concern as she glanced in my direction.

 Despite her shock, she quickly composed herself, her expression shifting to one of concern as she glanced in my direction

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"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí, señor?" Ms. Lopez muttered under her breath, her tone a mixture of frustration and affection. Her words were laced with the same exasperation that I had often heard from my mother, a reminder of the strong-willed women who had shaped my upbringing.

Ignoring her question for the moment, I approached the dining table, taking in the sight of Thelma and Valerie sitting side by side, their laughter filling the room with warmth. Despite the trials we had faced, their presence brought a sense of normalcy to the chaos that surrounded us.

"Good morning, ladies," I greeted them with a faint smile, my voice tinged with weariness. Thelma and Valerie looked up at me, their expressions a mixture of surprise and relief at seeing me upright and coherent after the events of the previous night.

"Morning, boss man," Thelma replied with a cheeky grin, her Jamaican accent adding a touch of playful sass to her words. "Sleep well?"

Valerie chuckled softly beside her, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Thelma, don't be rude," she scolded gently, though her smile belied any real admonishment.

I couldn't help but smile at their banter, a sense of gratitude washing over me at the sight of their easy camaraderie. Despite the darkness that loomed on the horizon, moments like these reminded me of the importance of friendship and loyalty in the face of adversity.

Turning my attention back to Ms. Lopez, I offered her a reassuring nod, silently acknowledging her concern. "Thank you, Lopez," I said, my voice soft but sincere. "The pancakes smell delicious."

Ms. Lopez's expression softened at my words, a hint of pride shining in her eyes. "De nada, señor," she replied with a nod, her tone gentle but firm. "But you must eat, you look too skinny."

Chuckling softly at her motherly concern, I took a seat at the table, allowing myself to relax for the first time in what felt like ages. As Ms. Lopez served me a plate of pancakes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the small comforts that surrounded me – the warmth of the morning sun, the laughter of friends, and the reassuring presence of familiar faces.

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