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Thelma's pov

Marquez isn't back yet but I made most of it by spending quality time with my sister. Sometimes I want to knock her teeth out but mostly she's just Valerie and I just have to deal with her.

"Sooo..." Valerie mused as she plopped into my bed. I rolled my eyes already knowing what she was about to ask me. Has Marquez and I fucked. "No, but he ate my pussy." I shrugged as I bit down on my bacon sandwich.

"Too pussy clot so it did nice?" I furrowed my face up because it was good for me. "It's my first time so I wouldn't know, but he was multi-tasking." I giggled at the memory and low-key felt butterflies.

"Ohhhh you loved it didn't you?" She nudged me and I cackled. "Yes, and I wouldn't mind doing it again."

She paused and got serious. "That's good to hear sis especially coming from you but just know that he'll be asking for oral sex in return." I almost dropped my sandwich. "But what if I say no?"

She sighs. "He'll assault your throat when you least expect so you might as well do it willingly." It's a good idea but what if he keeps asking for it and I get fed up?

I pondered Valerie's words, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity. Marquez had shown a softer side to me, but I knew his reputation and the kind of power he wielded. I couldn't afford to be naive.

"I don't know, Val," I said, taking another bite of my sandwich to avoid her gaze. "It's not like I have a lot of experience with this stuff."

Valerie laughed, a bit too loudly for my comfort. "Girl, none of us did at first. But you'll learn. Just remember, it's all about balance. Give a little, take a little."

I nodded, though I wasn't entirely convinced. The thought of being forced into anything, especially something so intimate, made my stomach churn. But I trusted Valerie. She'd been through this world longer than I had, and if she said it was something I could manage, then maybe she was right.

I sigh and hear the front door open. He's here. I returned to my room feeling frustrated and decided I would get some rest before Marquez called me to plan Eugene's escape until i heard a knock. I open the door seeing Marquez.

"Everything alright?" he asked. I quickly nodded. "Yeah, just having some sister drama."

I say back, trying to play down my emotions. "You're not being honest," he replied. "What's really wrong?" He steps into my room

I was surprised that Marquez was able to see through my lie. I hesitated before answering. "It's nothing, really," I say sitting on my bed. "I just had a weird conversation with Valerie."

Marquez knew that wasn't the full truth. "What kind of conversation?" he inquired.

I sighed as he sat next to me. Marquez wasn't going to let this go. "It's embarrassing," she turns away from him. "Can we just forget about it?"

But Marquez was persistent. "Thelma, you know I care about you," he replied. "You can tell me anything."

I took a deep breath before responding. "Fine," I say facing him again. "But you have to promise not to judge me."

"I promise," Marquez responded instantly.

I took another deep breath before telling him the big truth. "Valerie was asking me about...you and me,"

There was a pause before Marquez cocked a brow and came closer to me. "What did she ask?"

I could feel my cheeks getting warm. "She asked if we had sex."

Marquez took a moment to respond and put his arms around my waist. "What did you tell her?"

I hesitated before responding. "I told her the truth,"

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