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Thelma's POV:

The cold darkness of the early morning enveloped me as I stepped out of Monique's house, the weight of the impending journey heavy on my shoulders. Tears stung my eyes as I glanced back at the familiar door, knowing that leaving Monique behind was the hardest part of this decision. 

With a heavy heart, I closed the door behind me, the echo of its finality ringing in my ears. I clutched the note I had written for Monique tightly in my hand, a silent farewell to the friend who had stood by me through thick and thin.

As I made my way through the deserted streets, the faint glow of streetlights casting long shadows in the pre-dawn darkness, I couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gnawed at me from within. The road ahead was uncertain and fraught with danger, but I knew that I had to keep moving forward, no matter the cost. 

Finally, I reached the taxi stand, the sound of distant engines rumbling in the stillness of the night. I flagged down a passing taxi, the driver's tired eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror as I climbed into the backseat. "To the bus terminus, please," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. 

The driver nodded in understanding, his expression somber as he navigated the empty streets with practiced ease. The city slept soundly around us, unaware of the turmoil that brewed beneath its surface. As the taxi sped towards the bus terminus, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding settled over me like a shroud. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but I knew that I had to press on, no matter the obstacles that lay in my path. 

With each passing moment, the weight of the decision I had made grew heavier, but I refused to let doubt or fear hold me back. I had made a promise to Valerie – and to myself – that I would do whatever it took to keep us safe, even if it meant facing the unknown head-on. 

As the first light of dawn began to break on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the cityscape, I felt a glimmer of hope stir within me. The road ahead would be long and difficult, but with Valerie by my side, I knew that we could face whatever challenges awaited us, together. 

With a renewed sense of determination, I leaned back in the taxi seat, the steady rhythm of the road lulling me into a restless sleep. The journey had only just begun, but I was ready to face whatever lay ahead, one step at a time.

As I arrived at the hospital, my heart raced with a mix of relief and anxiety. I hurried through the sterile corridors, my footsteps echoing in the empty halls as I made my way to Valerie's room. The sight of her lying in the hospital bed, her face pale and drawn with pain, sent a pang of guilt through me."Valerie," I said, rushing to her side. "We need to go. The Trench Don knows where we are, and we can't stay here any longer." Valerie nodded weakly, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. "I'm ready," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. 

I turned to the doctor, my tone urgent. "Valerie needs to be discharged from the hospital immediately," I said, my voice firm. "I'll take care of her wound, but we need to leave right now." The doctors hesitated, their expressions skeptical. But the urgency in my voice left no room for argument, and without further hesitation, they began the process of discharging Valerie from the hospital. 

As they prepared the necessary paperwork, I helped Valerie out of bed, her movements slow and unsteady. With each step, I could see the pain etched on her face, a reminder of the danger that still lurked just beyond the hospital doors. 

But despite the obstacles that lay ahead, I refused to let fear or doubt hold me back. With Valerie by my side, I knew that we could face whatever challenges awaited us, together. Finally, the doctors finished the discharge process, and Valerie was free to leave the hospital. With a sense of relief, I guided her out of the room and towards the exit, the weight of the decision we had made pressing heavily on my shoulders. 

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