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Thelma's POV

We were finally heading back home after a long and nerve-wracking visit to Manuel's place. As the car hummed along the road, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling Manuel's words had left me with. Does Marquez have another lover? Another side piece other than me? I bit my lip, trying to keep my thoughts from spiraling.

Valerie was busy chatting with Peter and Derek, who were trading stories about Manuel. "Did you see how paranoid he was?" Peter laughed. "The guy's always looking over his shoulder like he's expecting someone to jump him any second."

"Yeah, well, when you steal drugs and money, it comes with the territory," Derek added. "Remember that time he got into a fight with those dealers from the east side? He barely made it out alive."

Valerie listened intently, nodding along as Peter spoke. "He's got a death wish, doesn't he? And what about that girlfriend he used to have? What was her name? Maria? She left him as soon as she realized what he was into."

The conversation flowed around me, but I was too lost in my thoughts to join in. Marquez having another lover bothered me more than I wanted to admit. I knew he wasn't the most faithful man, but hearing it confirmed still stung. I had to remind myself why I was here. This wasn't about love or jealousy anymore this was about survival and helping Eugene.

I'm going to let it go, I told myself firmly. At the end of the day, this is business, not pleasure. Marquez's personal life wasn't my concern. My priority was making sure we succeeded in our mission and got Eugene to safety.

Peter glanced at me in the rearview mirror. "You okay back there, Thelma? You've been quiet."

I forced a smile. "Yeah, just thinking about everything. That visit was a lot."

Peter nodded. "I hear you. But you did great back there. We all did."

"Thanks," I replied, feeling a bit more reassured. "I'm just glad it's over."

"Me too," Valerie said, leaning back in her seat. "Manuel gives me the creeps. I can't believe we pulled that off."

"We did, though," Derek chimed in. "And now we just have to wait for the fallout. Manuel's going to be gunning for Alexander."

I nodded, knowing that Derek was right. Our plan was in motion, and now we just had to see it through.

We drove on, I pushed thoughts of Marquez's other lover out of my mind. There was no room for distractions. I had a job to do, and I was going to make sure it was done right. For Eugene, for our future, and my peace of mind.

We pulled up to the house, and the tension from our mission began to lift. I could see Marquez standing outside, looking impatient. My resolve hardened; I wasn't going to ask him about Samantha White. He could keep his secrets. I had my agenda.

We all exited the car, and I spotted Eugene standing near the door, waiting for us. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and I felt a genuine warmth spread through me. Eugene had always been someone I admired, and I knew hugging him would not only make Marquez jealous but also make me feel better.

I walked up to Eugene and threw my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He hesitated for a moment, then hugged me back just as firmly. "Hey, it's good to see you," I said, feeling the sincerity in my words.

Marquez's eyes narrowed, and I could see the jealousy flare up in his gaze. Good. Let him stew in it.

Eugene hugged me tighter, his hands gently rubbing my back. "It's good to see you too, Thelma. I was worried about you."

I pulled back slightly, looking up into his eyes. "We're all okay. The evidence planting is in session. Manuel is going to be gunning for Alexander soon."

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