Chapter 1: Beyond the Known Universe

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Captain's Log, star date, no idea. The evil Triceratons, a race of aliens from across the galaxy, invaded Earth. They wanted to wipe out their ancient enemy, the Kraang, so they unleashed a black hole weapon that destroyed both the Kraang and their secret hiding place, Earth. We lost our friends, our allies, even Karai and Master Splinter, our father, are gone. And so was my sweet baby, Boris. We were only saved at the last second by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we have no idea what adventure lies ahead of us. And I'm not sure I like it.

I finished writing down in a spare journal that Fugitoid had lended to me. He said I could keep it and use this as a replacement to write in. But it was hard for me to stop crying and staining the paper with my tears while we all stood around in the main room, all of us still mourning our losses.

"Alright, Fugitoid, or whatever your name is, what just happened?!" Leo turned to look at the white robot.

"This has got to be some kind of sick joke, right?! RIGHT?!" Raph yelled, standing up from beside me and started to frantically shake the robot's shoulders when he was suddenly slapped.

"Calm down, Raphael. First things first. I have a job to do. Now, please, I've got a ship to fly while you all stand about gawking."

"That's not good enough. Where are you taking us?" April demanded to know.

"All questions will be answered in time. Hold on to something! Oh, too late for that. Apologies." He started up the ship that began to vibrate and fly through space at rapid speeds of time.

Everything went completely fast that we nearly dropped to the ground until the ship suddenly stopped.

"What... what just happened? We're actually alive?" Raph exclaimed.

"I think we... we went back in time, about six months, based on where the Earth is in its revolution around the sun." Donnie stated, pointing out the window where we could clearly see that Earth was back in place, completely fine and restored.

I widen my eyes in shock, my spirits living up slightly at the thought that everyone was alive and well. Karai, father, Boris, our allies. Everything was restored! But... how?! Can Fugitoid really control time like Renet?!

"Six months? Then that means everyone's back? Including Master Splinter?" Leo asked, beginning to smile hopefully.

"Yes, Leonardo, but only for six months, and then, the Earth is doomed once more. Apologies." Fugitoid replied.

"I get it. We stop the Triceratons before they ever get a chance to use the black hole on Earth." April concluded.

"Indeed. The Triceratons are spending this time searching the universe for the three fragments of the black hole weapon. Many years ago, the Utroms broke the machine into three pieces, hiding each fragment in the safest parts of the galaxy they could find. We must find them before the Triceratons find the fragments and reassemble them." Fugitoid explained to us.

"And if we mess up, we just time travel back, right?" Mikey asked.

"No, no, no, no. A black hole prevents repeated localized time travel because even time is subject to its attraction. If we fail, Earth is lost forever. But on the bright side, whoever gets a second chance?"

"Then that means we have to make this count! We have to! For father, Karai, Boris! Everyone!" I stated determinedly.

"So why do you care, alien robot dude? Why are you helping us?" Casey asked.

"My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. I'm a friend to the Utroms. It was Bishop who sent me. And, plus, I've always wanted to see Earth. Have I mentioned I'm both scientist and a cyborg. Observe." His robotic head detached apart to show that a human brain was actually placed inside him. So he wasn't a robot, but a cyborg!

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