Chapter 4: The Outlaw Armaggon

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"Select that quadrant, Raph. Scan there." Leo pointed to an area on the computer screen.

Raph did as told when he realized that he and his brother were the only ones doing work while Fugitoid was helping April and I train our growing powers.

"Why do they get to mess around? They should be helping us find the Triceratons."

"Fugitoid's testing out April and Myra's psychic powers. He's training them." Leo told him.

April and I smirked at each other as Fugitoid held up levitating orbs that contained our tessens, but we had to figure out in which orb they were in. "Okay, April, Myrina. In which of the spheres have I placed your tessens?"

We carefully used our telepathic abilities, easily spotting where they were. "That one." We both called out, pointing at the far right orb.

"Ding, ding, ding! Excellent. Fantastic session. Your psychic abilities are marvels waiting to be unlocked." Fugitoid told us as we were given back our weapons.

"Thanks, Professor. How do you know so much about the human brain?" April asked.

"Since it's the only part of my original body left, I have extensive knowledge on brain matter. Neurophysiology." He stated.

"You never fully explained how you became a cyborg, Professor. How did that happen?" I asked.

"Well, then allow me to enlighten you. I am from D'Hoonib, a planet of humanoid scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe. I was working on a new form of psionic technology when our friends, the Triceratons, came looking for me. The Triceratons attacked because I refuse to build them weapons. They were furious, destroying everything in sight. My robot assistant placed my brain inside its own body. It saved my life. Man merged with machine and I was reborn. When the Triceratons found out I was still alive, they deemed me a criminal, a Fugitive Android." He explained to us.

"That... must've been hard to go through. Especially alone. I don't know what I would've done if I escaped the Kraang but never found the guys... don't you fear anything?" I asked him sympathetically.

"Why, yes. I do, actually. I do have a great fear of losing my humanness. I don't want to be thought of as just a machine." He stated, holding up his robotic hands.

"Professor, we would never think of you as just a robot. You're more than that. Without you, we wouldn't even be here. The black hole would've taken us." I told him.

"Thank you, Myrina. You're a very thoughtful person." He smiled at me which I returned.

Fugitoid, though we haven't known him for long, has become like our guide. He's there for us. And I love him for that. He's a kind and caring person. Not just a cyborg.

I was brought out of my thoughts and we toppled over when something hit us and crashed into the ship. We rushed over to our stations, pulling up the main computer and checking the surveillance cameras.

"Donnie, see anything?" Leo asked.

"I can't pinpoint it, but something's out there." He enhanced the screen, showing what looked like a heavy metal armored style shark rocket ship or something.

"Is that... a freakin' space shark?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Space shark? Wicked! That's like more metal than Vikings on motorcycles, bro!" Casey laughed.

The space shark being quickly flew over and tore off the security camera, continuing to rip the ship apart.

"We're gonna need a bigger ship." Raph commented.

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