Chapter 19: Bat In The Belfry

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Things have been getting weird for me lately. I've been having constant headaches along with nightmares and visions of aliens and monsters from space. Even the memory of the scorpion that stung me kept replaying in my head. I tried to use my Aeon crystal to calm myself down but it never seemed to work like it used to.

I wasn't getting enough sleep lately and I could tell that Raph and Leo were noticing my odd behavior. April and I also have been even getting into fights, arguments, and shouting matches. It's been crazy. And it's gotten out of hand to the point that Donnie wanted to look over us. Which is where we currently were now.

"We've been having headaches and weird nightmares about space and other galaxies." April explained and Donnie examined us.

"We constantly fight, but don't remember starting them." I added.

"I don't see anything physically wrong with you both. You're probably just adjusting to life back on Earth." Donnie stated.

"I don't know, Donnie. My seventh sense tells me it's not that. It's that freaky crystal they never take off." Mikey pointed out.

I glared at him and clutched onto my Aeon crystal as April gave him a confused look.

"I don't think a crystal could give you headaches, but let me take a look at it." Donnie reached his hand out for the crystal but April slapped his hand away.

"NO! Get away from it!" She yelled.

"Whoa, you're acting like it's your 'precious'. You're both addicted to that thing." Mikey stated.

"I just need to examine one of the crystals. I don't care from who." Donnie said.

"Take Myra's." April said.

"What? Why mine?" I glared at her.

"He's your brother. You should just offer it."

"Now you're just saying that. Just give him your crystal. You're the one that slapped him! Which you never do to my brother!" I shouted at her.

"Girls!" Donnie interrupted us, causing us to back down. "Let me just take a look."

"I SAID BACK OFF... me. Okay. Okay. It's just a crystal. No... big... deal." She hesitantly took her crystal off from around her neck and handed into Donnie then turned and lares at me.

I glared back at her, safely tucking my crystal away under my suit while Donnie examined her crystal.

"Wow. I'm seeing particles and structures I've never seen before. I'm gonna try an experiment." Donnie got out his technological bo staff that the Professor allowed him to keep, creating a small surge of energy and blasting it at the crystal.

The crystal jolted and created a giant cloud of mist in the air, shocking us all.

"Um, Donnie? Some sciencey explanation I won't understand would be cool." Mikey said.

"I... I just don't know." He replied.

"It's... like it's alive." I stated.

The cloud of mist began to float around us, even phasing through me as the other two rushed in after hearing the commotion.

"What did you do this time, Donnie?" Raph asked.

The mist kept floating around us before it flew up to the ceiling and disappeared.

"Where the heck did it come from?" Leo questioned.

"April's Aeon crystal. But whatever it was, it's gone now." Donnie stated.

"And this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't made me give him the crystal." April glared over at me.

"Me? You're crazy attached to that thing!"

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